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Posts posted by forteh

  1. Other things, following my introduction to cycling through 12" deep clay mud during this CX season I have discovered that my frame clogs up really easily in certain situations.


    That was after 2.5 laps, I had a DNF because I tore my tricep.

    Trying to remove such mud by hand during a race simply makes a mess everywhere and takes forever around the BB because the combination of mud, gravel and grass makes a fine analog for reinforced concrete :(

    A muc off claw makes such a task a few seconds job though, they're a pig to carry in a jersey pocket though...




    Need to cut a row of bristles off but it works awesome, can scrape the front tyre on the move or completely clear the bottom bracket in about 15 seconds :)


    • Like 3
  2. My cyclic trimmer transmogrified a few times, it's now an electromagnetic driven mechanism with linear bearings, linkages, bell cranks and gubbins™







    Stick is sprung to a centre point on both axis, pull the lever and it disengages the magnet enabling the spring units to slide on the linear bearing.  Release the lever to engage the magnet and set a new centre point from which it will spring again.

    Works really well :)


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  3. I recently built wheels for Persephone's new hup enduro build using DT swiss prolock nipples without any issues, using the torx socket driver is super nice for building wheels with them. I was using DT swiss spokes though so it might have a bearing, never had any issues with compatibility before.

  4. Have a look at bearlock, we have the gearbox lock so it can only be driven in reverse. Doesn't stop them breaking in but then sprinter doors are so bloody heavy I'm not sure it's all that quick and easy to do**. Being a visible campervan rather than a trades van hopefully makes it less targetable for the hit and run tool thieves.

    Bearlock also do cargo space deadlocks that are all actuated internally from inside the cabin. Even if they punch the lock/snip the wires it's still mechanically held from the inside.


    **edit: that said I locked the keys in once and the locksmith picked the drivers door in less than 15 seconds....

  5. We use transit customs at work, took delivery of new vans, within 10 days 5 grands worth of hilti tools nicked from the back.  Transits are stupidly easy to break into :(

  6. On 1/15/2022 at 3:43 PM, forteh said:

    So following the 14" belter that turned out to be a 16" belter we've accidentally a whole Isla cnoc14s :ermm:

    The child isn't three yet, can't pedal yet but at least he's sorted for the next few years :D



    So, 20+ months later and he's been refusing to have the pedals on the belter and insisting on using it as a giant balance bike.   So much so that if we put the pedals on, he would get the allen key to take them off and refuse to get on the bike!

    This happened yesterday :)


    Just got on an pedalled off, not a worry.  Seat has now been moved up and he may be racing next year :D

    • Like 2
  7. We have a LWB 14 plate sprinter that we converted to be the family camper van, it's now the daily and is proving to be an excellent bike race bus :)

    Go for a high van rather than a pop top and awning, been so many places with low roof campers and they need to spend ages setting up the roof, awning, outside kitchen etc.  We rock up, put the handbrake on and can be cooking bacon within 5 minutes.

    Have pinged you a link on bookface to our van build photos.

    The sprinter drives really well, the engine is bombproof if kept ontop of services.


  8. 3 hours ago, AdamR28 said:

    And all those adaptors are utter shite 🙃

    This, if you compare the amount of material at the point of most stress with the HSB ones it's obvious that they're not up to the task in any way :)

    I sold my HSB adaptors ages ago, still got my HSB green coust vee pads somewhere though.

  9. I'm still on my 1% base rate trackers, I've had the lowest mortgage rates imaginable for the last 15 years (and completely failed to capitalise on it :D) so now they've gone up it's taking the rough with the smooth.  Fortunately my mortgage is relatively small so even though the interest rate is far higher the cost isn't too horrific.

    • Like 1
  10. For the girl who, at the start of this year, would let the other kids go first in races because it's polite....

    2nd place West Midlands regional championship.

    2nd place West Midlands road race league.

    It went down to the last race today for the league but the commisaire screwed up and didn't ring the bell for last lap so she didn't know she was finishing. Had she known she would have caught the leader and sprinted. Ah well cyclo-cross season in September😁



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  11. In other childrens bike related news, picked her up a new cross bike for the new season in september.  200 quid below market value and an absolute minter :)

    Needs half an inch extra in the legs but it's full 700c wheels and she's about to have a growth spurt; will do her till she's 12-13 or given up cross racing :D


  12. We've managed to keep this one alive for eight years now!

    Got some dual air rebas for her Whyte 303 for her birthday, shortened them to 75mm travel and dropped the oil weights a little to account for her midget weight. Custom fork wraps from indiprint to mask the worst of the paint scars and it's an awesome sorted pair of lightweight forks for her🙂



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  13. In solidworks I would use a loft with multiple profiles and possibly guide curves if needed, I have no idea if fusion has such functionality though.

    I created two random shaped sketches on two planes and then lofted one to the other, add multiple layers of sketches to better control the shape.



    Can then use the shell command to remove the bottom and two end faces to make a tunnel.



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  14. I made a cyclic trimmer mechanism to make my joystick behave more like a trimmed helicopter cyclic control - basically I took a 400 quid joystick and stopped it returning to centre until I pulled a lever (old spare HS33 blade was utilised - even had a working TPA!),  integrated cam locks so I can set the stick to be free return to centre as normal if desired for flying fixed wing aircraft.


    Worked something like this VVVVV



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