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Everything posted by downhill_rob2@hotmail.com

  1. Im being prased!! (Y) :S ;) any ways, iv been doing a few more cars. I have done a dodge ram..... Original: CHOP: I want to see some comments pleeeease!!! :-
  2. your actually paying for the company name. They make good tasting chrisps that make poeple like them, they sell them for cheap, but hardly any in them, then if you realise, the company are making millions cause people are buying their chrisps that only have a few in, but they taste goreous, so they keep buying them..... Sorry i got abit carried away :angry:
  3. I think i may have found the BB you were talking about ad. is it the YST threadless one? I may cansider this as i think it may be my threads in the BB sheel that are fooked :angry: Will this BB come loose at all, or dont you know?
  4. The photoshop bible!!! click that link, then on the left side of the screen, click what you want to do, then read how to do it step-by-step (Y) P.S im in the middle of doing some really nice cars, but i need more work on them :D
  5. Read the other threads mate. I had a look at it tonight after leaving it for about 24 hours to see if the blue had set, but it hadnt :) Im going to buy a new BB to see if that works.... hopfully it will!!!
  6. i dont this on paint shop pro at school.
  7. My thoughts exactly!, i have got the BB off by using your method, and instead of using loctight, im using this wood glue stuff thats meant to be better (Y) its meant to dry harder that the wood. i tryed the loctight on my old bike (cleaning all the aplications properly with some meths) and it never seamed to work. The problem is, when i put the BB back in the shell, it just spins and doesnt tighten, i can rock the BB side to side a little bit. Hopfully the wood glue will work (Y) EDIT: just thought i would say, i think the threads (from what i can see and feel) in the BB shell are fine. But even so, the threads on the BB its self are fine (Y) Im just going to buy myself a new BB from tarty bikes when they get them in stock if this method comes loose :(
  8. >_< im sick of my bike braking all the time!! This time, my bottom braket was loose, so i started to screw my crank remover into the crank, it got tight, then when i started to tighten the other bit on the crank tool, it just pulled the crank tool out of my crank and stripped all the treads!!! now the tool wont go in!! So i tryed to get 2 big rench thingys behind the bashring and then push against the frame to try and pull it off! but it never, so i used more power, and then the bottom braket just pulled right out of the frame!! the thing is, my bike is still under warrenty, so do you think i could claim? i've only had it for about 1 month (its a onza T-pro 05) and bought it from supercycles. I dont think that the BB shell will be stripped, because it happened on my old bike. What shall i do?
  9. This is my first ever attemp at photshop: Original: Edited: I couldnt do the alloys right so i just left them :P What iv done: Tinted windows smoothed everything off brows on lights de-badged darkened the number plate and colour coded some stuff :D Im pleased with it!
  10. Pads: heatsink konig Time used: 3 hours Rim used: Onza Hog rim Grind: yes (rough) Brake used: 05 maggy, echo booster, heatink konig pads. What is your opinion of a working brake? lock without slipping, a really good bite How do they compare to previous pads? Absolutly amazing Review: Steve sent me the pads on friday at dinner time, I received them on saturday morning. I spent mose of my morning grinding my rim and setting up my brake. When I tryed the brake without being on the bike, it gave out the loadest squeek ever! but the power was emense! I went riding, and it just bit and held all the time :P
  11. Sorry people, Pads are still in testing sorry for this post (Y)"
  12. I have just finished seting it up now. Its cool, I have the photoshop CS 8 version
  13. Im downloading it now from limewire. its been downloading for 2 hours, and only at 27% (Y)
  14. :( ;) :- Im no piracy thingyby, im only 14!! lol I really want it. I'll just have to see if my mate will do it for me :( Or I would welt my dad till he gets me broadbanned :sick: ^_^ :P (not likly)
  15. Hi people, I am very annoyed that I only have crappy 56K internet, and my dad wont get broadbaned for me :( The thing is, i really want photoshop, cause i want to mod some cars, i used paint shop pro from school, that was quite good, but it wasnt got the features photoshop has the car i done loked really good still though. So, i was wondering, could some one put it onto a cd for me? I'll pay for the CD, P&P, and for your time for putting it on. So id pay about £5 ??? Please help me!!
  16. It was the gumball 3000 wasnt it? It was the white ferrari 348 spider with the numberplate L1000NY :deej: the joy of the gumball! Next year... the lambo for me (Y)
  17. If i seen amin khan jump out of a car and walk to wards me in a threatening way........ I'D RUN!!!!!!! haha
  18. I like zone, hardcore and some heavy metal. I like system of a down, but havnt heard their new album yet.
  19. Unlucky, its worse when someone hacks your account, deletes all your users and then changes the password so you cant get on!!
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