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Posts posted by SCOTTY___

  1. Im alittle confused.. was that the final edit?

    How can the episodes not be complete.. yet the final video was? Would have loved the end episode to have been that video!

    Was an amazing video. Technical.. crazy and just epic. However i cant help but feel the episodes built it up alittle to much.

  2. Non drive side

    Sorry wan* at explaining.

    When you get a BB it comes in 2 pieces. The whole solid BB and the plastic shitty part that is basically just a guide.

    If you can, bish bash bosh the frame into a round as possible shape.. either tidy the threads if need be with a needle file or a tap.. and force the plastic side in.

    If the drive side is 100% ok.. the frame will work.

    try & use a copper hammer :)

    • Like 1
  3. No as it went with the BB in and had to be removed to be welded. Had a long think about it overnight and I do think it's happened in the post but that doesn't matter, the problem is still there and I should be out riding now but i'm not.

    Is it the drive side or non drive side??

  4. Thank you sir.

    I did some more Googling and found a little bit more info on the diaphragm. A few people have said it's quite normal for a bit of fluid to show around the MC lid after a fresh bleed. I guess that hole is there for a reason :)

    Another little thing is, on my other lever (mono trial) the reservoir bolts had been round off by whoever and I can't get them free with an allen key I was thinking;

    Pliars around the side if the allen bolt but cant get grip. So...

    Knock a slightly bigger key in.

    Saw a slot into the bolt and use a flat head driver?

    Which one seems the best idea? Or have any others?

    Im going to order new bolts also (stan Ti probably)

    Cheers again.

    Get some Torx Hex keys.


    Best bet for knocking into the rounded bolt. Sawing a slit is normally my last resort as the screw has broken on me in the past (More than once).

    The above can slot into the groves where the old allen should sit aswell as forming new grooves for extra grip (Y)

  5. I like the TR clamps.

    Nice and easy to set up, but make sure your mounts are flat (im sure theres a fancy word for it, but I dont know it)

    If you go for clamps that require washers I would recomend getting the Echo split ones.

    Do you mean faced?

    So.. whats the trick to check / make sure before fitting? The bike is pretty just over 2months old and has only ever had these Tensile mounts fitted

    If they are square then you'll have no problems with the TR's, if you really want black standard magura clamps however just get them anodised black.

    That is a possibility. However, how much do you think anodising would cost? Could be more cost effective to just get the black echo clamps?

    Any tips for people who do annodising?


  6. Evening peepz.

    I have some Tensile Offset Magura mounts front & rear on my mod (They came as standard). Now in all fairness they are pretty shite.

    Been attempting to get some " Up to Front " moves, but every attempt that is fairly close or successfull just seems to end in the Magura cylinders moving like a bitch, brake jamming on etcetc.

    The clamps are tight ( Like f**king tight ) and the plastic shims are in the correct place (Slit in empty space etc etc) but they still move. Rear ones the same but dont move as often.

    Afew of my friends have had simular issues when using these. Now im tempted to just buy some old fashioned Magura HS33 clamps.. but i would really prefer the clamps in black, the Magura clamps in black are like rocking horse shit.

    Im looking at the Echo TR clamps in black, anybody had much use of these? Any good? Or should i just go with the silver old school magura ones?

    Im only 13st 5lb & 5ft 11" so im not stupidly large.

    Cheers chaps.


    EDIT: Forgot to say i will be using TNN ADM CNC Backed pads, with the Echo clamps ( Using that auto setup rubbish ) effect how my pads are already wearing.. cos if i do say so myself, there pretty much perfectly square.

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