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Posts posted by stevecoust

  1. absolutely awesome, you truely are a trials pioneer. i had to watch it twice to make sure i was seeing things correctly, and because it was so good. i was also extremely impressed with how good the v brake was, and as stan said its like sticking a log through the wheel rather than slowing you down.

    loved it


  2. haha that fork snap was awesome and the rest was just massive. cant believe your not using my beasty wheelbuild any more :lol:(Y)

    love you matt i will be driving soon so al come down and ride with you


  3. the frame was originally mine but it was a little short for me at 1075 but they are extremely nice frames. the extra long bb feels a bit odd though.


    p.s hope we can ride soon tom

  4. hey every one,

    just made the change from my 07 221ti to my new bling bling steed. went together pretty well and its good to go back to mags again.just a bit low on the front though.

    sorry about the bottom right of the pic being chopped off but i cant eat a bacon sarnie and edit at the same time :lol:

    comments welcome


    very nice mate just got rid of my monty but for an echo team


  5. (yes im awre i sware alot)

    Im getting really annoyed seeing all these little kids who can just back hop, rolling around on £2000 koxx and monty's is it there parents, or are some compnies giving bikes away

    back wen i started i had a massive jump bike.

    well i bet if your parents offered you a 2k bike when your shit you would say thanks very much and wipe their arse for a week. its the parents choice. saying that i always had to fork out for bits myself

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