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Everything posted by Henrat

  1. Actually i like his idea better! B)
  2. In your router setup program there should be an option to turn on MAC address filtering (Dont turn it on Yet!). Find the MAC address of your machine (not sure where you can find that in Windows) and enter that in the list of machines that can have access to the router, then turn on the filtering. That should stop them!! I used to do that to the girls i shared a house with when they pissed me off.... Henry
  3. Henrat

    What Do You Use?

    I use a Dual G5 with Tiger. I produce a lot of bands and in the audio world, now that Logic (audio production software) has gone purely to Apple, I think Macs are the way forward. For me its all about the whole package that you get with them. So many people build PCs now that there are so many compatability issues with hardware etc... when you buy a Mac you know that whatever pro software you buy will run on it. At least in my case! I also don't think that just because OSX will run on PCs that people will start to use that instead of windows.... Everyone I know who has an Apple has one because of the whole deal, hardware and software. Its the design and elegance of it all too. Yes they are a tad overpriced, but you can get quite a bit of money off if you buy through the Apple Education Store (even more through Higher Education!) But you are right about them sucking for games.... B) I just wish Microsoft would get their ass in gear and make a new version of MSN for OSX that can do webcam! Henry.
  4. Any chance you are talking about the "Raceline D" model? God that takes me back! (Y)
  5. My crank was creaking, so i put some grease on the BB and Crank. That sorted the noise, but then I noticed that my ACS Claw freewheel was coming loose (shock!). So I did a search about it and Loctite seems to be the way forward, but which Loctite do i get? There seems to be a lot of different options. Which ones have people had good/bad experiences with? My other question is about helmets. Most helmets seem a bit small for my rather large head. Anyone know of any larger-than-most helmets? I Like the look of the Giro Semi MX. Know anything about that? Thanks in advance! :shifty:
  6. I hate riding in the wet... Personally I think its too risky, you cant really tell how much traction you have and could suddenly slip and cock up big style. Play my drums in the wet, ride when its dry!
  7. Henrat

    Tarty Bikes

    Thats great cheers! I was hoping to have a little test ride of one or two though so maybe that is not the place to go.... I'll give him a ring anyway and see then. Thanks again. (Y)
  8. Henrat

    Tarty Bikes

    Hi, without trying to sound stupid.... Is Tarty Bikes just an online shop or can you actually go there to have a browse and try bikes out? If so I shalll go tomorrow! Cheers Henry
  9. Yeah I think I'll go with the T-Pro... At least then I can get some Brake Boosters and a Helmet! Cheers everyone! (N)
  10. So I guess it just comes down to if I want discs or not? I can't really afford £650 for Spec 2... Just read the reviews on the Louise brakes on Biketrials.com seems like people have had leakage and pumping(?) problems. Anyone know much about that? I wouldnt say I'm a total beginner, I used to ride to a good standard about 4 or 5 years ago, so I don't think it wil take me too long to get back up to speed... Especially if there are any riders from York that fancy helping me out sometime?
  11. Hi, I've been looking at getting a T-Pro, but might be able to stretch to pay for a T-Mag (Spec 1). As far as I can tell, the only difference is the frame and front brake (Magura Louise instead of HS33). I have never used a disc before, what are the good/bad points about them? Would it be worth paying the little bit extra to go up to this bike? What extra do you get on Spec 2? Or are there any better bike for the £500 mark? Cheers!
  12. Henrat

    New Little Vid

    Hey! Nice vid mate. Totally what i used to do with my mates years ago before i stopped riding. We used to build boxes to practice with at home! works real well. Gonna get a new bike soon so ill probably resurrect my old ones! Keep it up!
  13. Thanks very much for all your replies! You've all been a great help. I'm gonna try get over to Aire Valley Cycles this week and have a test ride if I can. Also thanks for validating me! Wasn't expecting that!
  14. Thats great cheers guys! So what difference would you say height could make? Also all those riders you just named... are they tall or short? Sorry I've been out of it for a long time! :angry: Cheers Henry
  15. Hi guys! I used to ride trials about 5 years ago. I was OK back then when trials seemed less well known, but recently I started checking trials out on the net again and I see videos of guys riding around towns and hopping up huge blocks and doing insane gaps! Blows me away! and also makes me feel slightly worthless in the grand scheme of things..... Anyway I've been inspired to get a new bike and start again for fun (I sold my old one, a stock Sunn Xircuit Max special trials edition which was worth loads, for a silly price to fund my drumming addiction). I have been looking at the T-Pro which seems from most accounts to be a fantastic bike for the price. So here is my question.... I'm 6'4" and was comfortable riding my old stock bike, but I have always wanted to ride Mod, they seem a lot more manouverable, less likely to break and personally I think they look more stable.. Does height really make much of a difference? And if so, then how does it affect choice of bike? Any thoughts would be much appreciated Cheers Henry
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