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Everything posted by ollie

  1. ha ha ha LMAO i could agree more.... ..but as i said if you want to ride with him just tell him hes nearly getting it! ollie
  2. yer but as i said i love the feel of my 05 maggies! i dent say that they were better that the04 ones because i have never had them as you say! i dnt wanna argue...just saying that i like my 05 ones thats all ollie
  3. just tell him to calm down and try again.. just say "you nearly got it that time, i bet if you stick at that you'll get it real soon" even if he was know were near! it will make him feel better! hope i help ollie
  4. read this topic of mine it should tell you every thing you need to know! http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=60860 hope this helps! ollie
  5. oh yey another pads topic!!!
  6. hey ive never had the o4 ones but i love the feel of my 05 ones! 05 all thew way!
  7. :huh: go for the hs33 i have the new 05 ones! there great! :D if you get them though get some new pads because the standard ones arent up to much! :P" but if you cant afford any pads just use a fair bit of rim tar for the time being! hope this helps (Y) ollie
  8. thats not true i have four bolt mounts but have canti studs, so that i can have the evo mounts! sorry to be a p**k! but you know,..... just like to prove people wrong! ollie
  9. ....what is the point in this thread? It doesn't really serve any purpose. i coudn't agree more!, i believe that this forum is called a "trials forum".....and what does this have to do with trials?! anyway i don't mean to be a tit but.... this topic is pointless it helps no one with any thing! so don't do it! sorry to nag! ollie
  11. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ounce&f=13&id=3 read this first!!!!!!
  12. Thanks man I'll try that and hope it works, because Im a short of cash at the muinit and don't want o have o buy a new BB.
  13. Yer mine does that as well. What bike do you ride? I hope that some one can help. ITS SOOOOO ANOYING! Please help.
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