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About trellex

  • Birthday 03/08/1987

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  • Quick Spec
    Red Fans Speedrace Maxxis Creepy crawlers Hss33 and avid bb7. TNN LGM
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  • Location
    Victoria -> British Columbia -> CANADA

trellex's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. Rear hub 26" CNC sealed bearings are they any good?
  2. Anyone wanna give me any improvement tips?
  3. So, this is my first edited video put out on the Net. Just so you know, this isn't me riding, nor did I film this. I just used Chris's Video 1 footage. Thanks Chris! Hope you like. I used Window's Movie Maker - So be prepared for horrible editing Length: 4 minutes, 28 seconds Size: 36.37 Minutes Rider: Chris Bruce Location: Victoria, B.C. Estimated Time to Download: 15 minutes URL: Chris Bruce in Video ONE Please tell me what you think of the video, and what I need to improve. (Y) Cheers, Juan
  4. trellex

    Island Style

    The moves are out dated, you. The only pro riders there, that are still around, are Morley Wilkins, Mike Bentham and John Webster, at least from the top of my head. Bentham is just a freakin' smooth rider, and Webster has been dominating the competitions. I've ridden with all three but webster. But you, I got this movie a long time ago, it was the first one basically, that I ever had. I thought it was the shit. I still look at it sometimes just for kicks. I agree though, the intro is pretty long. Check out John Webster and Morley's section. Completely sick cheers
  5. this fellow is like 6'3 though. it'll be short for him. he should go for the vinco! the RAVen is an awesome frame. i tried chris's Bt, and even though it was above my head when i was on my rear, it still feels so nice. go for it. cheers
  6. he's german blood. european!! came over to the us like in his twenties? he's an amazing rider. check out his site http://www.hansrey.com/ the people that have heard of him, know that he's a legend. the people that don't (usually the younger/newer riders), dont' have a clue who he is.
  7. i live near some people who went to that comp - i didn't go becuz i had to freaking work!!! they said he was a little rusty the first time around, but for the final round, he was smooth, all tech. no thing big, nothing fancy, but smooth and flowing. he's also really friendly - he went down and had some breakfast with all the riders in the village, as if he wasn't some super star. i wish i was there - that mans is a living legend. cheers, juan
  8. Hey man. I PMed you as well anyways, i live close to UVic, and even closer to willows beach (hope u know where both of those are.) i'm just getting into some natural riding, but urban is great when u live close to uvic. check ur mail box! cheers
  9. AWESOME. We should go riding sometime - i'm from victoria as well. i just recently got a Koxx Caisso Replica. Rides smoothly, and cause i'm short, it's perfect for me.
  10. I sand papered my rim once or twice. Depends what kind of sand paper you use. I got the roughest kind. The only good that comes out of it, is that if you're applying tar, tar goes on easier, and not as messy if u were to apply it onto a grind. Agreed though. Grinds are where it's at.
  11. thanks for all ur input! i heard it snaps as well - it is super light, but i also go it for 600 canadian dollars, and they're about 1000 canadian dollars. again, super light, but it seems like it ocudl break. i'm trying to be careful though. Cheers, juan
  12. I just bought the Marc Caisso Replica Koxx frame, and I love it. I'm short, so it's perfectly fit for me. But I've heard bad reviews about it, So i was just wondering on what everyone else's intake was on this frame. PS - i searched the forum before posting this - couldn't find any info on personal likes/dislikes of the frame... Juan
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