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Everything posted by trialzloz

  1. youl get the hang of it soon. took me ages to gap atall and now i can do loads in a row.balance is hard though. just keep at it :lol: :$
  2. bit of hot water n soap. rub it hard wi a cloth works a treat :$ :lol:
  3. y make a topic bout this.......?? :S
  4. welcome to trials forum :S
  5. you dont need spray on tar!...go pick some off the road. <_<
  6. creepy crawlers. deffanatly :rolleyes:
  7. go to the road, pick some off. simple!! works a treat :- loz :P
  8. get tar from the road.dont buy any. no point when you can get it free!! :- loz :P
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