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    Chase hummer
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Trials Newbie

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  1. heres what a 2007 looks like with green parts
  2. the pics don't seem to be working and thanks for posting this
  3. is it still a 19" on the rear? cause it looks like a 20" on a side note there is a guy in the members forum asking about what a yellow helmet is. And the answer to his question is it's a catlike whisper. I'd post the answer there but since i'm a newbie I can't post in that forum
  4. Happy birth day to Martyn Ashton the legend.
  5. Hopping around on the front wheel like leech looks cool and also macaskills reverse nose manual thing
  6. Hi I was wondering what gear ratios you guys run on your 24" bikes? and could you state what crank arm length you use also? Cheers Chase
  7. Why not a mavic 721. There a dh rim and designed for rim brakes
  8. if you want unique why not buy a hi end frame(monsterboy,gu,xtp,221 or some along those lines) and then strip the paint. then repaint it with flames or something . then add the companys decals to it.
  9. know what it reminds me of is a zoo pitbull with Zoo python dropout. Mr_Scott did you have something to do with this
  10. it's 26 wow i thought for sure it be 24" because of the hozontals drop outs
  11. nows lets all hope it's 200pounds like all of 24/7 other hardtail frames when it comes out
  12. this is the proto stage changes could be made. also frame/bike are available in may. and know 24/7 there will probaly be color options. Some one ,Answer this question please. What forks do you run on 24"bikes? stock or something else
  13. so here it is also how long of forks do you run on 24" bikes
  14. your post idea won't work. did you read what it says at top of the page. "don't post topics asking when i get validated"
  15. read the sticker one the chain stay it says 24 seven if you see the whole bike it lookes like a big mod
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