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smelly joe

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Posts posted by smelly joe

  1. BUY ONE! i had to take my mate to hospital and it wasn't nice

    yup, he did have to take me to hospital because i split the back of my head open and had to have it glued together, also i had a rather nasty concusion for a good few days.

    now i wouldent go riding without my helmet, it gives me so much more confidence.

  2. the problem i have is that i just use tar, and with the wet weather setting in tar is becoming useless. also i do not have the money to spend on a new set of pads to use on a grind.

    these posts are quite varied and making me doubt what to do.

    i would also like to know why do good pads cost so much if there only a small peice or rubber??

  3. i am going to grind my rims but cannot afford any new pads to use on them. i was wondering if using cool stop pads on a ground would be any good, or should i wait until i have the money before to get new pads before i grind them.

    ive been told by some people that cool stops are ok to use but others have said they are rubbish.

    thanks for any help

  4. i used to ride without a helmet and found out the hard way what it can do to your head if you dont. i ended up in hospital with a spilt open head and a serious concusion!, now i would never go out riding without my helmet and i would rather pay more for a better one knowing that it will keep my head safer.

  5. Does anybody know where i can find some videos of side hops? Because i'm trying to learn to do it a looking at videos may help me ^_^

    when you say side hop do you mean side hoping across gaps or side hoping up walls and stuff??

    but i dont think i can think of any videos that mite be able to help you <_<

  6. i never seem to have enough time to whip my back end over, my front tire always lands before i have time? <_<

    ive learnt this by watching other riders and copying them and i found i had the same problem to start with. all you need to do is pull up a little higher and harder and it should give you more time to whip the back end round ^_^

  7. for side hopping over gaps and stuff i generally throw my front wheel in the direction that i want to hop and then i throw my weight the same direction with the back end of my bike being last to levae the ground. i then land on my front wheel and sort of whip my back wheel across. wen ding it it looks a bit like snaking my bike across a gap if that makes any sense <_<

  8. I hate to ask this but arn't those frames a bit, snap-happy?

    my friend kickflipbs had woodman t-pro frame and it took him 2 months before it snapped, just to let you know it cracked through around the welds where the seatstays join, also snapped striaght through on the bit of the chainstay near the b/b shell, he was pissed off because it costed so much and lasted such little time, also he wrote to woodman as well as emailed them telling them of the faults and he has had no reply off them <_<

  9. i had a x-ray before i got my mad :) i eneded up with having three of them through faults and i also snapped the forks on one of them :) . and ive still got the last pne i had!!! but its been taken apart and the frame has just been left to rust away round the side of my house.....u never know one day it mite come in handy (Y)

  10. what sort fo situation were you all in ie, big drop, gap etc??

    sorry to change the subject a little :)

    tom tom

    i noticed a small crack in it from just general riding I.e gaps, drops, a bit of street. but it finally completly snapped through when i was riding natural in malvern, i was still able to ride it until i got home and took my wheel out when the whole seatstay fell away. i was a bit gutted at the time because i could not afford a new frame :) ....but now ive got a t-pro just like everyone else (Y)

  11. well i was a heavy rider!!...ive learnt quite a lot of control since all that stuff happened to my t-pro

    and not all of the damage done to my bike was self inflicted...ive know many a people who have snapped the pedals and snapped mag levers, althought i suppose most of the damge to it was due to my heavy riding

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