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Everything posted by Nay

  1. Pretty pointless topic realy but i was watching road fools on the extreme sports channel the other day and ever since iv'e been wondering if has anyone ever ridden their trials bike in a skate park ? And if so whats it like ? I've ridden a Micro Scooter in a Skate Park which isn't exactly the most succesful thing i've ever tried doing but i just wondered how good trials bikes are.
  2. Not realy a trials related trick but my best trick is doing wheelies on my dads mountain bike. I think my furthest was about 3 minutes long up the Birmingham new road. My best trials trick is a static 180, im not that good at it but i'm getting there.
  3. Nay


    What shoes do you wear ? just trainers or something ?
  4. Nay


    I found this site, they do Converse, VANS, stuff like that upto like size 17-18 for around £30 - £50. Would these any good ? http://www.bigsize.co.uk/
  5. I was reading MBUK the other day and saw the globe trials shoes competition. What size do trials or just cycling shoes in general go up to? I'm a size 14-15 and always have trouble finding trainers and school shoes because most shoes end at a size 11. Also my shoes are always stupidly expensive so how much are trials shoes? cheers Nay
  6. Thanks alot lol, actually, talking about feet can you get any good trials/cycling shoes in my size ? most shoes, boots, trainers or whatever finish at a size 11
  7. The chavs round my area aren't that bad realy, i get along with most of them ok but there are the odd few, one of them tried to rob my old mountain bike 9 times lol. Sorry bout your mates bike jeza hope he finds it
  8. chav topics always end in unecessary bitching and violence ! :P
  9. my gyro snapped on my bmx so i fixed it with elastic bands and tape, it was like that for about 3 months lol
  10. Ive always felt saracen are very over rated to be honest
  11. Yay, someone who dosen't think im a total tosser for being scared of clowns. Did you ever watch the film " it ", woah that was like the only horror film i've ever found scary.
  12. Im scared of going blind and clowns
  13. some chavs tried to rob my dads car a few weeks ago but the neighbour chased them away, and theres these two who are always at my local jumps stoned out of there heads, they ruin everything.
  14. There should be a page where riders can send in their photos of them doig gaps and drops and stuff like that, like how MBUK have the ' show us your huck ' section on the freeride pages. Also a page for selling stuff like old bike bits and frames etc, like the bargain pages !
  15. alright then, ive decided im getting an onza t-rex and ive got about half the money at the moment, but i was looking in the shop the other day and noticed that ive already got enough money to buy an onza t-vee and a few of the other 20 inch bikes. only thing is im 6ft 2 with size 15 feet, is it a good idea? will it work? or should i just wait till christmas and save up for a t-rex ?
  16. my favourite trials riders are the guest rider from drop in tv ( think it was Ryan Leech ) and Danny Holroyd, my favourite overall bike rider is Dylan Tremblay, i think hes ace. does anyone else think that there is an unhealthy likness between Dylan Tremblay and Dylan the rabbit from the magic roundabout or is it just me ?
  17. how much will it cost to upgrade to hope hubs and stuff ?
  18. i had one as my first bike, i got it second hand for £125. quite good for learning the basics and trying the small stuff but but they do snap after a while. snapped mine droping off the shed into my dads wheelbarrow.
  19. D.A.I leisure persiuts, a shop down the road from where i live, are selling a top spec Onza T-raptor for £500, but they are also selling the lower spec Onza T-rex for the same price. which is the better bike ?
  20. Nay

    New Bike

    i did think about gettin a second hand bike but all the 26inch bikes were all battered up and naff, found a few good 20inch bikes but i cant ride 20inch bikes very well.
  21. ive been thinking bout buyin the £500 version of the onza t-rex, never riden one though and dont realy want to waste any money so if any one would recommend it please tell me, or if anyone would recommend any other 26 inch bike for around the same price then please say.
  22. i wear a gyro xen, its so light you don't even realize its there sometimes, quality stuff.
  23. i got a pair of SR SUNTOUR XCP-75's for £55. there not anything special but realy good for the money, there magnesium, and there adjustable and have mounts for v-brakes and disk brakes. they are made for 26inch wheels but ive been running them with 24inch wheels for about 2 months and ive had no trouble. i bought them second had from a guy round the corner but i have seen similar budget forks in decathalon at merryhill ranging from £40 - £60. they are no where near as good as marzocchi's and rock shox but for the money there incredible, i'd recomend them to anyone. the only down side is that they only have about 75mm travel, abit on the short side realy.
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