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Posts posted by Tall_Rob

  1. Sorry but don't be so sure about the strength abdab.

    Mine snapped in under 3 months on the left chainstay but never completley snapped all the way through, i still have the frame.

    Also found it was the problem that was causing all the bearings to continuely collapse because of the frame flex.

    True... they are lovely frames and great to ride but i doubt it will last long with the way you ride.

    Good luck with it though,

    Rob x

  2. it hasnt cracked due to impact, it has cracked under pressure of my breaking finger, other than that i dont know how.

    So stacking and smashing the lever in to the floor caused no damage at all? The lever is not meant to receive that kind of impact, same as a trials frame.... it's not really meant to be banged around!

    I'm sure it was your really strong finger :-

    Either way... hope it gets sorted.


  3. Surely the crack would be closer to the dents if they had caused it?

    I'm no expert but logically.......

    I not implying the dents caused the crack.... the dents imply that it has been dropped and that would cause strain so that the lever would crack.


  4. Looks like some nasty dents on the top of the mount :-

    Don't expect everything to be under warranty!

    It's usually against material or manufacturer's defect.

    Not if you stacked a few times and have damaged the lever. Aluminium is more brittle than most metals and is more likely to crack if dropped a few times.

    Worth a try though.


  5. Hope saw rotor is supposed to work really well with an Avid

    you don't need lots of heat dispersion with trials brakes so the more material on the disc - the greater braking surface.

    I have tried some avid one and the do lock well but tend to snap i think after seeing some pictures.

    So go on - the more meat the better braking, but can cause over heating on heavy/constant braking

    - the larger surface area the better heat dispersion, but less braking power/surface to pad contact


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