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Posts posted by Tall_Rob

  1. I don't know why i'm saying this... but i hope it rains or is drizzly.

    I have just got in after playing around in the rain. Been trying reverse direction and awkward positions practising for tomorrow.

    Bikes setup perfectly for tomorrow and just thought i'd test it but turned in to a 2 hour ses.

    Looking good!

    Pete.... Spode should be coming and you can test drive my love machine. x


  2. Warranty and quality of parts would be a big issue.

    It's too much hassle and waste of time to service parts just to sell them on cheap and then have someone complain when it breaks/fails too quickly.

    Leave second hand parts to TF Classified or Ebay.

    Stop all being such cheap weinies and buy good quality. Or Buy second hand and take the gamble..


  3. Remove pads from the caliper and insert a small block of wood/metal (something to stop the pistons falling out)

    Completely remove the bleed nipple and pump the lever to see if you get any fluid movement throughout the unit.

    If you do it was because you were not opening the bleed nipple enough.

    If not, then you might have a problem up the reservoir end.

    Try completely re bleeding the whole system (properly, no bodging it) by filling up the reservoir then open the bleed nipple with an 8mm spanner. When it is open, pull the lever completely in and then close the bleed nipple with the spanner. Repeat this till the reservoir is getting low with fluid (not so low that you allow air to get in). Top up the fluid to the top again and repeat until no bubbles and fresh fluid appears.

    File the reservoir up to the top again and then roll the diaphragm across the top so not to trap air inside. Seal up the unit again, remove the block of wood/metal, replace the pads. Place the wheel back in the dropouts and then make sure the brake is set up square so that there is even spacing between each side of the rotor to the caliper. Pump lever to reset.


  4. Perhaps if you want to remove the built in booster, have that frame as a disc only version and then have a 4 bolt version with the built in booster.

    Liking the geo. Can't tell much till i ride one though, sorry.

    Whats with the TT curve?

    Don't get rid of the disc mount. Yours is one of the strongest frames with disc mounts around. They're just so chunky and stiff.

  5. Fat Pants has hit it on the head........

    I help thinkbikes.com out when they need me and Tartybikes.co.uk supply them. I didn't get it for free mind you but every little helps.

    Thankyou to Spode and Dave at thinkbikes.com and Adam and Dave at Tarty. x x

    And yes the bike does ride well for a 6'6'' giant such as my self. Still getting used to the low bb with my stem from my high bb KOT.

    Having to learn taps again from scratch, but natural riding just comes easy with it now. Might play around with stem heights a little more but do seem to like it now how it is.


  6. Mmmm.... looksi..... white wheels....6th replacement Pro II

    Just need to sort out the bashguard and the bars now.

    Sexy white rim - Try-all 36 hole - new tire




    Specialized Pro tire - weighs nothing and has different compounds for grip on natural and street

    Home made drilled rim - PIMP


    What do you think?

    Rob - Thinkbikes.com

  7. Dont do it!

    You only need better ventilation and heat dissipation when you're going at higher speeds or if the disc is being put under heavy/constant braking.

    Trials doesn't do that so don't worry about trying it. Easy to buy a pre-drilled specific rotor anyway. You need as much braking surface as possible. That is why there are only a few holes in Hope mono trials to allow water dissipation, a greater surface area for heat dissipation and to allow mud to get out.


  8. Ha ha, James you make me laugh. Lets all wear skin tight Lycra and dance around our bikes before comps!

    I can't comment on the Ribos or any other trials specific shoes as i haven't worn or used them. I have inspected Chai's smelly left boot before out of interest and can see how they are useful.

    I much prefer my Globes as they're comfortable, 'cool' looking cost under £40 (i get them slightly cheaper as they don't sell loads of size 13). Recently i have been wearing my K-swiss trainers as the Globe's got wrecked river jumping ...opps.

    Ride in what you like really as long as the rider is having fun.

    Anyway... why do you have to wear such specific shoes for certain comps? Please explain - Waynio?

    At the EBTC i wear whatever i like.


  9. Look it's a long legged rider.... me!

    That just makes me chuckle watching that, especially the other footage with the bloopers and Darren's headache.

    Ha ha


    Ps. Adam... she's quite hot and Spode's looking to set her up ; )

  10. Ha ha Pete, Shame you didn't show but the weather was bad earlier.

    Pics will be posted up soon and also something that you should have hung around for.

    I upgraded myseld on this comp and rode red route and was definetly worth, think i beat Spode ha ha.

    Great day out, thanks to all that helped and workewd hard for our great day.

    Peace, Rob


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