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Posts posted by powerz

  1. UCI and BIU or the two main trials governing bodies you might say. they both have different competition rules. UCI rules penalise you if any of your bike touches the obstical and BIU rules allow you to use your bashring or your pedal.

    hope that helps.


    Oh i see now,iv'e never done comps so thats probably why i havn't heard about it.Thanks that helped allot :D

  2. got these on saturday, look kinda gay but there grippy as fook :rolleyes:

    Look nice i think not bad price either

    I think in the running are:

    Another pair of v8's

    onza shin digs they look very grippy


    Try-all ones but worried about the bolts coming loose and bending the cages all the time.

    Thanks for the help so far atleast its narrowed it down abit :)

  3. Hi can any of you please help.

    i need new pedals as my v8's are worn and i keep slipping of the pedals >_<

    But what should i go for?

    Im thinking of going for the try-all double cage ones but are they all right to use for street riding as in the past the screws that hold the cages on kept coming loose.

    Thanks for any help (Y)

  4. Well i think a new mod bike should be designed with a disc brake either side of each wheel, so you have 4 disc brakes in total.

    Just need a new designed hub, extra mount on the other side of the forks & frame a brake for each side of the rim and use a two monty splitter's to split the one hose to each caliper.SORTED

    (if it hasn't already been done) :unsure:

    Then the bikes would have serious stopping power for those huge rail gaps for example

  5. I hate ALL cops they have nothing better to do than moan & complain about you riding your bike. I have a few written warnings one just for using pallets at the back of my local comet store (N)


    i was out the other night riding with my mate when a community officer stopped us and was asking us all about our bikes like "How much do they costs", "how much do they weigh" ect ect

    then the copper says what can you do on them so we showed him a few spins and hops Like you do! and he asked my mate to have ago on his monty, It was so funny, a few cars went passed and bibbed there horns. :lol:

    we was talking about it all night, my mate said he thought the copper was going to nick it or something.

    So they are all mugs apart from one :lol:

  6. Personally i find it better to have no seat,

    As a mini seat is a bit pointless because its very uncomfortable and just gets in the way

    when i removed my seat i found it allot easyer to get up large obstacles as you can hug the bike more when bunny hopping and landing.

    Try it and see what you prefer (Y)

  7. In one year of trials i have snaped:

    Atleast 20 cheepy freewheels first acs claws lasted 2 days:(

    Spindle on Welgo pedals

    Crossover hose

    Smashed a wheel bearing in half, some how

    1 rear axle

    1 Bottom Bracket

    2 Rear Hub's latest one was last week.

    1 Rear sprocket

    1 Chain

    Not too bad really, Could be alot worst. Every time i break something i replace it with a better part so slowly my bike is getting a better spec (Y)

  8. I was riding clacton on saturday until i got a puncture. i was also in st osyth's which has tone's of rocks and then colchester but couldn't find much street there but the ruins at the castle were cool.

    oh yeah i have meet Ben and liby ( i thought he said hes name was niby ? ) in frinton and had a little ride for a few hours.

    i would definitely come back up there again when ever your ready.

    Thats cool did you enjoy it here at clacton, yea i visited the rocks at st osyth for the first time about a week ago they do have some awesome do-able routes and no his name is defiantly libby when i first met him i thought it was nibby too lol.

    Shame you got a puncture & yea i've been to colchester but couldn't find much other than the casle with the ruins beside the carpark.

    i'll try and get all the people i know to come out on the 6th or 7th of january,

  9. my highest drop off so far is 13 wobbly palets,i didn't look high but when i was up there it felt well high. :o

    13 foot man that must have felt seriously high

    Does anyone know what the world record is for the highest drop off?

  10. year i will come down me and about 6 other friends were planning to go clacton after christmas anyway.

    i migth be back at school on that date so if not would 6the january be good for you

    add me on msn lil_wilkins_05@hotmail.co.uk

    O.K cool yea anytime after the 4th as my wheel should turn up 2 days before christmas and my m8 is back from his holiday on the 4th.Iv'e added you on msn-my msn is Trialzrider@hotmail.co.uk

  11. Just wondering if any of you will come down to clacton-on-sea to ride after 4th january when my wheels built by tarty.

    We never have any of you guys come to clacton other than when Matt staples & andrew chai did and it was a real good ride.

    There are some real nice rocks,with endless lines & alot of street lines that can be done, oh and a cool skatepark with a little trials section.

    There are few of us in my area:

    Tom - koxx level boss from clacton

    Liby - Monty TI from walton

    Ash(ME) - Gu Typhoon from clacton

    Ben - Adamant from clacton

    Darren - Monty 221pro from clacton

    Ian - Zoo python from walton

    It would just be nice to have a few new faces to come and ride at clacton-any one up for it?

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