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Everything posted by M3LLON_t-mag

  1. eh use your head mate there is only a little hint in the name i think risers = rise flat = flat if im wrong post back but im pretty sure that i have given an accurate description
  2. i have been riding now for about 6 months and im on my second rear creepy crawler i was just wandering is there any tyres out there that have the awesome grip of the creepy crawlers but a bit better wear rate
  3. they are good at braking running Zoo! pads with a little bit of tar and they squeal like hell. you instnatly feel a difference when the rim is fitted it seems to feel easier on the back wheel
  4. Zoo! pads with tar my god it feels like u have been hit head on by a train when those bad boys lock up
  5. i got my bike back fresh from the shop and started to ride about my village i started riding a 3-4ft high box outside a petrol station so i hoped up onto my back wheel got to the edge kicked and my chain snapped i went clean over the bars luckily i got my hands down before my face hit
  6. i have just put a set on my bike and you can feel the difference in brakin power as the braided house dont expand like the plastic ones do so all in all better spending that little bit more for sum better braking
  7. Profile mini cassette or a chris king but if u can run a Eno i would go for that i run one on my mod cheaper than a king hub and same engagements my mate rides one on his VINCO and he has no problems cracks to begin with but beds in fast and feels grate when it is beded in
  8. areet mate i would go with the zoo bars they feel good on both mod and stock i run them on my ONZA t-mag with an echo team stem and it rides sweet as cheerez mellon
  9. dude when i ride with you, you compain that you are getting blisters and then u dont ride 4 a bit girl
  10. i recently snapped my rear hose and have just upgraded to hope braided hoses only thing is they started leakin after 5 mins i dont knw wether it's the way i have set the brakes up or has anyone experienced this before cheerez mellon
  11. we will organise a ride in lincoln soon then but it wont be for about 2-3 weeks as i am going into hospital and wont be riding for 2 weeks after so will post when i can arrange a little ride kev kazama if you have MSN please add me as i would like to find out were in lincoln you live my adress is HARD_CASE@hotmail.com (i know my adress sucks ass by the way)
  12. dont buy the ECHO 2 bolt booster i bought one for my t-mag and knackered the four bolt mount and had to have it helicoiled out especially dont get it if you are riding an onza
  13. After seeing a post yesterday a lad said he had just moved to lincoln just wandering is there anyone else on here that is from lincoln and if you are were are you all riding
  14. go with creepy crawlers mate the only downside is the wear rate is a bit poo mine last only 3months but the soft compound and wear pattern are brilliant for grip
  15. which skate parks are your riding in lincoln it isnt FEN LANE in hykeham is it mate because i have been meaning to go ride the skatepark but havent been down since i rode bmx but there is rails to wheelswap funboxes to drop off and so on
  16. areet mate are you the lad who recently moved to lincoln sorry to be off topic but just wanted to know were about you live in lincoln because me and my mates ride in town nearly every weekend if u want to email me mate my adress is hard_case@hotmail.com
  17. that is the kelly brook of bikes mate pure class the stickers are mint i have been thinking about building up a red python but dont know what it will look like might have to ask were the stickers were done mate
  18. areet mate just flicking through old posts and i noticed you have moved to lincoln there are a fair few riders in lincoln where bout in lincoln you living mate
  19. looks a pretty sweed steed mate i didnt like montys at first but the more and more i see them the better they look what do the ride like? my mate just ordered the 221pr and i hear good reviews but what do u think whats the good and bad side to them???
  20. yo it's the louise rotor mate just look on the net for calipers the louise brakes are amazing as well as you know mate you have been on my bike
  21. personally mate i dont like the middleburns on mods i run a koxx 165mm crank on my t-mag feels sweet as isis with the koxx isis bb
  22. i did a nine pallet drop after only three weeks of riding and did it fine the only place on my mag i keep checking is round the bb apparently that is where they happen to be snap happy
  23. i ride a t-mag 05 and perfect front end is probably the echo team stem and the zoo! riser bars rides well good cheers mellon
  24. they are actualy ace click like hell to begin with but turn out amazing I have had mine for about fouur months and haven't had any problems cheerez mellon
  25. suppose you are rite mate i have only been riding for 4months so im not fully up to speed on what has stoped being sold but thanks for reply mucka cheerez mellon
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