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Everything posted by RR_Trials

  1. I see, but i do not play it lots twice a week for an hour at a time (AT THE MOST)
  2. Garage, my room is in the garage, we had it converted, so now my bike is in my garage and in my room. Basically if you want to take my bike you need to.... Get through a standard garage door. Then through a high strentgh door (made to withstand fires). Get a conversion
  3. is the story about the girl true? :$ If you taking the piss i am now very embarrased
  4. Oh i see, i guess its not worth hacking then Oh well ill just make money the honest way. Any more tips people? Cheers
  5. Nice one guys. Ill give some of those suggestions a go. Dose any of you (or any one else for that matter) know about Hacks? Are they still around and are they affective. Also 'Auto-miners' (pro's/cons) cheers people
  6. Cheers guys, Yes the game is seriously addictive and you can't stop playing it when you want to make money. I kill blue drags for money sometimes. Do you know anything about that new guthans armour or somthing. I stoped playing for a while and now there are so maney updates like farming im like wtf i used to be good cheers for all the help guys Rorz
  7. ^ the message i get when i try to left click. When i right click its pretty much the same. I wish i listened in modern languages
  8. :$ sorry i'm forgetting most of u guys are adults. and i guess alot of you younger guys think its immature to but there is over 2million players on the game, and acording to the last poll i looked at 5/6's of them are over 12 I am making money on it to sell 1Mill = £10er
  9. ----------------------------------------- Anyway all tips welcom
  10. RR_Trials


    Ok i know i'm going to get a lot of flaming for this but i'm going ahead any hoo'. I know that a lot of people on here use runescape, and i know it is such a silly game, yet its addictive. It appears that people want to play this game because they want to have high levels. I think that we need to share our Tips on training etc. This is the new runescape thread! I have done a search and the only runescape things that come up are of people saying how rubbish it is, yet i know alot play it so the rules of this thread are: please don't flame people please don't keep saying the game is rubbish don't want that sort of information Have fun and don't be stingy (If thats how it's spelt) I am going to start of to give you an idea: At the end of the Fremanick place there is abeachk area, walk over the stone looking things and they will pop up and attach you, but as they are only level 12 they hardly ever hit anything on you (if your a reasonableleveledd player), but they have 50 hp witch means you will get your hit points up and have a good long living train . BUT!! The real tip here is that the Rock crabs (as that is what the are called) will stop attacking you after a while, this is to stop 'Auto miner' users. Torelievee your self of this problem walk awayaproximatlyy to thepubd (half way out of the village) and walk back again . Good luck and cheers
  11. sorry about the alighnment my laptop is wide screen. About clean bikes we sent a proposal to them we are not aficaily sponsored by them but we get free t shirts and discount for advertising them. I have been riding 6months nearly, and it has been great so far.
  12. what song is that i love it but don't know what its called cheers
  13. Calm down jake don't get you nickers in a twist. It isn't a bullshit theory i'm shure there are girl out there that would be better its just there not interested .
  14. , Or no! The video draged out they could easily have given it the same impact in a minute, infact i could sum it up in 1 picture (i think) Ok the girl is hot, but her riding is not!(no pun or rhyme intended) But it is nice to see the opposite sex getting into trials because once they get the hang of it they would probably be better then boys as they can multi-task better.
  15. yer it works amazing i can get it to go black and white and all sorts, Thankyou loads
  16. dan your a walking/riding Legand Thanks!!
  17. cheers guys i feel like such a twat now. :$ but now i have it, when i unzip it and try and install it it says 'can not install: SETUP or INSTALL programme file name contains folder information. Use Actions/CheckOut instead.' i do not understand this, thanks
  18. RR_Trials

    My Webcam

    I have a Emprex PC380 webcam and i have lost the driver disk for it, i have been to the Emprex website to see if i can find the driver i need, but no luck , any way i would apreechiate it if someone could help me, thankyou rorz
  19. Wow! that is crazy cool, well done Poopipe
  20. Dose it have to be to scale ,because i have a couple of idea but nothing that is actually done to any scale?
  21. Ok wow! stunned at your bike Mark how lucky are you, and how did you get it its still in its prototype stages isn't it . And no i'm nothing to do with Onza i wish i was though amazing company . Mark - How much was that amazing peace of kit (The bike )?
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