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louth trials 2006

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Everything posted by louth trials 2006

  1. creepy cralwys are the best mate everyone nowadays seems to ride with them
  2. My favoutite two frames of all time are; 26"- ashton justice just in love with them shame i don't ride 26" 20"- wel it has to be the onza prototype with the lowerd chainstays, as soon as they are avaliable to buy i will be buying one. thanks tom
  3. today me a some local riders left louth to ride cleethorpes i never knew how good cleethopes was it has loads to ride both for novices and experts, the best part was the area at signhills school where many pros have rideen and features in the dvd manifesto. it was a really good day i just had to share my excitment of riding cleethorpes with you all. and does anyone know any other good places to ride in or near lincolnshire thanks tom
  4. hi my favourite place to ride is skeggy rocks (skegness sea defences) or ultimatly addingham moorside thanks tom
  5. sounds great mate have you bought a 20" or a 26" saracen
  6. hi mate i have front and rear raceline yellow brakes tom
  7. thanks mate i just rang my mum and she says my uncle will do it for free i might have to pay for the helicoil thats it he owns a car garage so im sorted now thanks for all your help though tom
  8. thank you mate ill try the local garages etc i wont need it fitting my dad will do that or my grandad i only have about 5 pound to spend anyway thanks again mate
  9. hi good idea mate i know i would subscribe maybe give designing it ago but i have no time with coursework etc tom
  10. hi as the title says does anybody know where to get helicoils from i threaded my crank. NOTE I AM NT TRYING TO BUY A HELICOIL i just want to know where to get one from thanks tom
  11. hi mate i would use a white industries eno freewheel just simply because i feel a front freewheel looks better and rides better i havent ever used a profile on a 20" but a front freewheel is just as good especially as the eno is built for trials and is ALOT cheaper. thanks tom
  12. hi my mum doesnt like me riding trials she wont lend me money for it or take me places to ride, on the odd occasion she mite. my dad on the other hand, evan though i only see him once a fortnite, takes me all over the uk to ride and lends me cash until i get paid for parts etc he will buy the parts when they brake but if i want an upgrade i have to buy the part my self. TOM
  13. kool my dad bought me trials lessons with ben slinger and he is just a cool guy and i learnt more in 4 hours than i do in a week at school. Im currently saving for a t-pro frame they look cool im in love with them TOM
  14. hi i use the standard onza grips i have used them on my xc bike previous to joining trials and i guess i have just got used to them, but i have to say the odi ruffian lock on grips are alot better my mate has a set on his onza zoot and there sweet as thanks tom
  15. HI I'm am new to the forum and i thought i'd let you guys know a bit about me. Name- tom larter Live- louth, lincolnshire How long been riding- 2 weeks Bike ridden- da bomb pro with onza 2005 t-mag parts and recline magura hs33's How i got into trials- watching ben slingers dvd (a year of ben slinger) and watching my mates and local riders ride Favourite riders- martyn ashton, well hes a legend, ben slinger is by far my favourite rider at the moment and craig lee scott for the awesome videos he makes. thanks tom
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