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Karl Butcher

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Posts posted by Karl Butcher

  1. Whats the best way to get rid of light scratches on your frame?

    i have some on my silver/polished frame that need to go!

    Oh and does anyone know how to get rid of Monty Spray?

    its been on my frame for years it wont come off it looks a mess with it on

  2. Swaped it for a bright Yellow magura with a silver blade.

    You can tell what happened to it.

    Got new forks in the post aswell.

    And what did I put?

    I can't see nothing. :S

    Valiadte me Valiadte me Valiadte me Valiadte me Valiadte me Valiadte me Valiadte me Valiadte me Valiadte me

    You put Valiadte me in big ass white letters! :)

  3. I arready had the full kit but I was only using the back.

    Now I have a front magura i thought "Why the f**k are'nt I using this?

    So I came to the conclusion of putting it on.

    Validate me :)

    What happend to your disc?!

    Whys have you put Validate me you know its never goin to happend lol

  4. Everyone keeps saying Wank!! dont you lot have girl friends/boy friends to do that for you?

    I still say ride in the rain it makes it more fun! :)

    i would go ride in the rain but i gone back to smooth rims and rain and smooth rims dont go :(

  5. watched in yesterday i really liked it dfferent from the usual "oh no the treasures got booby traps around it" what do you reckon the next ones going to be like?

    i reckon the whole family start looking for treasure, but its obvious the kid's going to be the star of the next one...

    They left the door open at the end of the 4th film for a 5th! :)

    i think if they bring the 5th one out Shia LaBoeuf will be the star

    i bet it be kinda like the 3rd Indiana where he saves his dad or somthing like that

  6. I know of one too :shifty: .

    But i'm not sure if my fella will sell, sorry Karl. I'll ask him next time i see him though (Y).

    Aww thanks man! :)

    Pace RC has to be the best trials frame ever made, although a little on the weak side. I managed to get this one on ebay and it rides amazing, had it built for a while but its just to nice to ride.


    Dude thats so nice!!

    i been looking around on Ebay for one but having no luck! :(

  7. I thought aliens had been part of the plot since they wrote it in the late 80's? Anyway, i havent seen it yet but i'm still looking forward to it, plus aliens are just as believable as Jesus.

    Yeah if you saw the first movie then you will get this one

  8. You thought that was good?

    I thought the first few scenes were good, the archive scenes at the beginning, the introduction of the cocky know-it-all kid and the car/bike chases at the beginning were good...

    But as soon as they said

    "this skull couldn't have been made by anything on this planet" my heart sank as yet another franchise lost its originality and jumped on the bandwagon of "oh, we've not done aliens before, lets stick some of them in and a really big spaceship".

    To say i was disappointed would be a bit of an understatement. To me it tainted a decent franchise.

    Don't get me wrong, the filming style and references subtly thrown in to previous films were great, but seriously, swinging through the jungle on vines like a monkey is a bit ott and could have been pulled off if it was the most ott part of the film, but jesus...

    motherf**king aliens?

    Yeah the hole alien thing was disappointing and with the monkeys and swinging through the jungle on vines i didnt like!

    i have to say i was hopping for a better story line then the aliens

    but he dont look bad for 60 odd!!

  9. What do you make off it?

    Been so much build up for it! theres been loads of people saying can Harrison Ford still live up to the Indiana Jones name!

    I took the missis to see it on 22nd when it came out i im a big Indiana Jones fan and Harrison Ford can still live up to the name!

    it was good keeping Karen Allen whos in the first Indiana movie i was hopping to see Ke Huyquan who plays Short Round in the 2nd Indiana! :(

    Shia LeBeouf looks like someone out of the Village people!

    The ending is not very Indiana Jones but the movie was still good!! :)

    im sure they be making Indiana Jones 5 some where down the line! ;)

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