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Everything posted by bikerboy16

  1. what do you lot think about the zoo urban fork then to go on my adamant a1 would they be any good and would the geometry be any good cheers for the some good replies
  2. i ve got an adamant a1 and i want to get the longest forks i can so i can get the full use of my bb rise so can some people tell me some of the longest fork on the market cheers
  3. who has got the new echo bb and what do you think of it cause i'm thinking of get one but i'm not sure i haven't heard much about it and i want to know if it runs good and if it is nice and smooth and how strong are they so can some people give me some help here and some information cheers
  4. i would say go for the frame cause that would probly make the biggest difference to your riding and help you improve quick but you would probly want to get better gearing first cause the gearing which comes on the t-bird is crap and that would make a difference so i say go for the frame and which frame are you think of getting?
  5. yeh that was the quarry i was in there in those pictures but there are a couple more good quarry which we ride in which are even more amazing for trials and the street around portland is quite good aswell
  6. here you go everybody got a couple more pictures this is about an 8ft drop did measure but around about that http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g80/bike...8ftrockdrop.jpg here is a nice little gap i like to do quite fun http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g80/bike...6/bigishgap.jpg a couple of pictures of me doing a rock gap http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g80/bike...ulitipicgap.jpg hope you enjoy and tell me what you think cheers sorry about this your have to click on the links wont load up i think cause it jpg
  7. i think he want to know what the world record is for the highest drop and who did i won t mind in knowing this to so if any body know please post it and give us as much information as possible
  8. yeh the adamant is great it pop up onto the back wheel so easy and the control on it is amazing well worth getting one it took me a while to get a quite a good spec but still need to make some improvements to it though it is one of the best bike i ve rode
  9. where i am riding is on portland which is close to weymouth in the portland quarrys which are amazing it is like the perfect riding place it got course gaps drops everything you need and the quarry people don't really mind your riding there and there is about three different quarrys your can ride on portland so your don't just get board of one place i will try and get some pictures from some of the other quarry i ride
  10. ive got some pictures from a little ride yesterday just want to know what you think of them here is abit of tyre squash a rock i was doing gap to some wooden posts rock gap to some crates another rock gap and here is a wall to wall gap http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g80/bike...6/gaptowall.jpg hope you like the pictures
  11. i talk about bikes all the time there is loads of people hooked into biking at my school and the girl we hang around with always trying to ride are bikes and there is always one which falls off so it is funny
  12. i'm from dorset and i live on portland it is great for riding so if you want somewhere new to ride come and have a ride down here there is so much good stuff to ride have a look at this link there is some good pictures of some of the place which we ride http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/?op=list&cat...y=193&city=1695 there is a lot of pictures so make sure you look throughout them all
  13. when you roll up to the object preload your body by bending your knee and arms have your opposite foot forwards and then do half a crank stroke then hop use the crank stroke to give you kick it is all about timing to hop and kick off once you get that you can just go higher and higher
  14. really nice bike mate it looks really good setup and it must ride really nice but u should use the bike pic thread to post a picture of your bike
  15. sounds like a cool place could you put some pictures up would like to see this place sounds really good for some riding especial when the wheather is shit
  16. yeh i like it it is a really nice bike and got very good control it is one of the best 20 inchs around but the only bit i don't like about it is that you have to have craig lee scott wrote on the side of it they should give you a chance to pick if you want craig lee scott on the side or just the normal zoo on the side or if you could pay extra to get your own name put onto the side of the bike you shouldn't have to ride with someone else name on the side of your bike
  17. really good video i really like all those gap to rail and from rail they are insane and how long have you been riding for to get that good
  18. i fined the best way to gap is to have a bit of a rolling start do a hop to the back wheel and let your front wheel drop and try to keep all your momentum going and then do a really hard kick on the pedals (HELPS IF YOU HAVE A GOOD HUB WITH A LOT OF ENGAGEMENTS AND A TIGHT AND STRONG CHAIN) and to get extra distance try to tuck up get you that extra little bit further. my best is around 8ft but it takes a lot of practise so keep at it
  19. lock ons are grips with a little collar ever end and you tighten them up so it is easy to put on and take off and adjust them for comfort so u don't have to worry of your grips slipping and u just replace the grip when it wears down so they are easyier and quicker. here you go have a look at some http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=399 here are the ones i have got and they haven't gone wrong with me yet and they have last over a year and a half and a really comfortable some of the best you can get
  20. make sure check that you have put all the hoses on properly and cant u find where all the fluid are coming out just follow the hose all the way round till u find it the fluids cant be disappearing into thin air
  21. have you still got warranty on it cause that should cover it hope this helps
  22. yeh it is on portland in all the quarrys and all the best place to ride. i ride with him a lot there is load of good shit to ride you should come down and have a ride with us it is insane stuff to ride for begginer to pros. here have a look at this link there are a lot more pictures of where we ride http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/?op=list&cat...y=193&city=1695 tell me what you think of are riding locations
  23. i will try and get some pictures for you lot to see but it is f**king hard to do you have to hook it with you pedal and get your way up like that
  24. i would go for either the gu typhoon or the adamant a1 they have both got great geometry and ride really well espically on the back wheel
  25. why don't you make your post interesting by putting some pictures up of the parts you got or even tell us what part instead of leaving us guessing
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