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Dave Anscombe

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Posts posted by Dave Anscombe

  1. 3 minutes ago, CC12345678910 said:

    I heard a story on the radio news today that there has been a clinical study that involved feeding ket to the severely depressed ...aaand (quelle suprise) it made them a shit ton happier and less depressed.


    An unreported side affect may have involved preaching to people who have no interest in listening to what you have to say - like when the mormons come knocking and you answer the door in a (slightly giddy) hurry because you were expecting postie to bring you your new shiny.

    Problem with that is ,here you can just not type ,right ? yet so many choose to type ,and insult,Instead of actually trying to figure out if what im saying is true !

    The reason why many people go right in for insults ,is because they are defending a belief ''Belief'' being the absence of knowing  that they carry around inside their minds :) 

  2. 3 hours ago, ItsMatt said:

    when has africa ever been "stable" throughout the history of humanity? 

    do you remember that video danny mac did where is dressed up as jimbo and did wheelies? 

    Stop chanting the end is neigh and go and build a big arc or something, shitposting this stuff on a dead forum about trials bikes is an extremely autistic waste of time.

    honestly just go and live off the grid in the woods or lock the basement door and stay on 4chan.

    what version of history ,The official line ''lie'' of history ?

  3. 3 hours ago, Luke Rainbird said:

    Do conspiracy theorists have to trade their understanding of spelling, grammar and language in order to earn their tinfoil hat, it is that just coincidence?

    If you truly wanted to get out of "the system" then why aren't you currently living totally off-grid somewhere else? You can't pick and choose the bits to get on board with, but I guess ranting online from the comfort of your western-civilisation home is considerably easier than actually doing something to change the broken system which you and your friends are privvy to.

    So does spelling ,grammar and language really mean that much to you that you forsake a message because of it ? dot get me wrong most people do ,because in their minds they believe a intelligent person must be able to read write spell and use correct grammar. 

    Who said i wanted out of the system ? 

  4. 3 hours ago, dann2707 said:

    I love how he comes along every 6 months or so spouting his shit. It's like he's been hidden away in a pitch black room researching then coming on here to relieve all. Like a f**king cancerous Bible preacher. 

    well when people fall for the official story of terrorism ,i cant help but say ,pssssssssssssssst maybe your governments are the ones terrorising you ,under the guise of a boogeyman ,But no no governments dont lie or kill its own civilians ,Do they dan ?:) 

    slag me off all you want man ,Thats ok with me ,sometimes the truth hurts and it does so because it goes against everything that you have been taught .


    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.



  5. 34 minutes ago, Tom Booth said:

    I just don't understand how people can believe the human race is enslaved by a greater being.

    Go live in some of these awful African states and some middle eastern countries Dave. I should imagine your ideals of enslavement will soon change when you realise just how privelaged  and free to roam your life is. Get your head down and stop worrying about issues you can't combat and are frankly bullshit.

    If your counting Jimmy Saville as in a high place, I should imagine there's higher positions in the world then head broadcaster at the BBC.

    What would you want to know about wars? People die, people get shot, goods or land are taken by force. I can't imagine there's much you'd want to know or could even begin to imagine. The less I know about what goes on at war the better, take that as a ignorance I don't care. I understand it happens, I don't agree with it but it does, I've no intention of going to war as I couldn't handle it.

    The purpose of today's society is to spend our money so it can be taxed, which then pays for xyz. There's not  a great deal to it really. The human race is all about consumption, be it tech or food or clothes. The system works well, you work for money, they skim abit off the top to pay folks to look after the world around you and you spend the rest on whatever.

    The secret society members are probably keeping an eye on you, if you and your other crackpot theory scaremongers didn't go off like this I doubt there'd be a need for them.

    As far as I'm concerned my tax pays for people to worry about the shit that your trying to rumble. I'm good with that arrangement.

    You dont understand because you dont know :) 

    who destabilized africa and why ? oil and diamods maybe ???? ,You can easily find this out for yourself ,if you really want to! 

    The difference here ad over there in regards to slavery is that ,a slave works better for the system if he believes he is free!

    Jimmy is only the very tip of the iceberg ;) Notice all the talk about the dead pedos of governments or how it only comes out once they are dead or once they become has been's? They are scapegoats for the highest pedos in the game ,gov officials ,movie stars ,musical artists ,heads and leaders in the highest of positions.

    wars are the rich mas favourite game to play ,and you the human are a pawn in their game -Lovley isnt it :D 

    War's dont happen like we are told they do !

    Todays purpose of culture and society ,is to degrade the west ! And its working -Just look around ,So who controls society and culture ? who pumps it full of all this shit we are seeing today ?


    Theres no probably about it ,Secret societies ,do not want well informed intelligent people talking ,It goes against their agenda ,

    JFK = "The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it.


    Even today, there is little threat of opposing a secret society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the future of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it and there is great danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment - that I do not intend to allow to permit to the extent that it is in my control.
    "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion — on subversion instead of elections — on intimidation instead of free choice — on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.
    "It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly-knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed".
  6. 7 minutes ago, Jolfa said:

    Trouble is, you come on with your mightier than thou attitude because you are enlightened to the evil of the world as though most aren't aware that governments and the super rich are corrupt, when in reality everyone knows the world is f**ked and why, we simply don't give enough of a shit or have enough time to sit around smoking weed reading about the puppet master shadow demons running the show, we actually have lives to get on with (Y)

     You will see your lives go further and further down the toilet ,because not enough people actually gave a shit , and you will say ,how did we let it come to this!

    The problem is we all think we have time ! and thats why we waste our lives with the mundane things of the world 


  7. 14 hours ago, Tony Harrison said:

    Totally. I have enough to worry about in my daily life without having to consider the implications of which alien race infiltrated the government and who's watching me type this via my webcam. Maybe there are 'truths' hidden from us, and maybe they should stay hidden.

    Aliens :lol: 

    Theres no maybe mr harrison, They are keeping plenty hidden from us ,but who are they to say what should be kept hidden ? look at what they are trying to hide 

    1: pedos in high places 

    2 truth about wars 

    3 the activities of secret society members 

    4 the purpose of todays society and culture

    These people run the world stage, nothing about them should stay hidden ,they should be transparent, They can snoop on us ,but we cant snoop on them!

    They are hiding plenty ,that should not stay hidden!



  8. 14 hours ago, Tom Booth said:

    I don't get the whole..

    'Open your eyes, go educate yourself, find the truth' ...

    If there's something or a message your trying to spread then just f**king say it you tin foil hat mong.

    Even if I did read it, enrich my mind and wake up to the idea that the richest family in the world is ruling the roost what good would it do me? I'd still need to wake up, brush my teeth and wipe my arse before I head off to work for the man to pay these huge corporation my hard earned and contribute to the wealth and greed.

    Shit doesn't change just because you read some darkweb forum full of 26 year old virgins that are still breastfed*.

    Get out into the world and make something of yourself.


    * Ironically could be TF

    I did you must of missed it ;) 

    To me the truth is important ,and learning the many truths became a catalyst




  9. 14 hours ago, anzo said:

    So, Dave, as you know the truth now how has your life improved? What do you do differently now you know? 

    Personally I think life is too short to worry about anything like this. I have a friend who is a truther who always tells me to wake up, and ironically, I'm tired of it. 

    In short , a revoloution of my own mind. 

    Im not worried about it :D ,But heres the thing ,The rulers rule through peoples ignorance of them and their modus operandi,The more the people know about their lying murderous ways , the better , Humankind has been enslaved by this power for a looooooooong time ,and peoples slavery will soon become evident !

    I dont want that , ad im sure many dont ,so i like to point people in a direction that may help them understand why the world around them is going down the toilet at a rapid rate ! 


  10. 28 minutes ago, Dave Anscombe said:

    So are you claiming that what im saying here today is fabricated and that the rothschilds banking cartel  dont control world events ?

    Again ,a simple yes or no will suffice :) Do you believe what im saying here today is fabricated ? and that the rothschilds banking cartel  dont control world events 

    I dont want people to believe ,I want people to KNOW ;) 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Luke Rainbird said:

    Have you ever considered that some of the group you consider to be "sheeple" have done their research and made the educated decision that your train of thought is (largely) fabricated, rather than simply asking that you're so much more intelligent and must be correct?

    Perhaps it's you who's in need of waking up and to stop following propaganda?

    So are you claiming that what im saying here today is fabricated and that the rothschilds banking cartel  dont control world events ?

  12. 5 minutes ago, JD™ said:

    He's seriously harbouring some issues.

    Im serious because its true :) And you can all find out for yourselves ''if you wish'' instead of being sat here thinking ;;ohhhh dear mr tinfoil hat has returned




  13. 34 minutes ago, jeff costello said:

    are we being ironic here or are you serious? can't tell anymore. what are they supposed to be doing?

    'faking history' is just nonsense. history is a science with thousands if not millions of independent people involved- there's no way to fool or bribe all of them. (same goes for medicine btw.)

    :lol: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ,wake up ,use your brain 

    psssssssssst freemasonry ;)

  14. 31 minutes ago, jeff costello said:

    Like blaming the jews ever solved anything, Mr. Enlightenend...:blink:

      Stop the race baiting  ;)  The rothschilds are at the heart of it all ! You cant deny that ,No one can.

    Il blame them ,because they are the ones to blame  ,Seriously history is a monstrous lie (Y) 

    They were born jewish but it ends right there !

  15. On 3/23/2017 at 0:40 PM, bikeperson45 said:

    I always get proud of our country when I see paramedics treating terrorists, murderers and other scum, for me that's the big divide between the decent people and the terrorists, we're not the ones running around taking life but helping to keep it going.

    Not sure I could be the one asking a terrorist if he's okay though...

    The government has always terrorized its civilians (Y) mostly covertly or under the guise of a boogeyman ,The history most people are taught is mere indoctrination and propaganda ,Just find out who the rothschilds are and their place in the world and you are on to a winner :)  Be warned the truth aint all sunshine and rainbows ,wakey wakey :P 

  16. 6 hours ago, Herbertlemon102 said:

    Gorgeous! I have 3 brand new white and turquoise zebdis too if anyone wants one :P 

    can i get some pictures of these ,if you dont mind ? 

    Nostalgic leon :wub:

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