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Sneakers O'Toole

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Posts posted by Sneakers O'Toole

  1. Pavement for people

    Road for wheels

    I don't get what the fuss is about???

    You don't see roadies riding on the pavement. Obviously anyone that rides street will ride on the pavement but you gotta at least admit what your doing is probably against the law.

  2. I did a gap year last year, went to Thailand, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and New York. When we got to OZ we bought a car and drove up the east coast. It was bloody awesome. I didnt bother working when i was there because i'm lazy and it's too hot. Make sure you go to New Zealand its bloody mint.

  3. Last night i dreamt i was at a masonic lodge where i proceeded to beat Warren (from Hollyoaks) round the head with a pool cue. strange?

    My best reoccuring dream is where i'm in a desert and theres a house in the distance, one of those old white wood american style houses. I walk up to it and the door swings open to reveal infinite blackness and a high pitched blood curdling scream. At this point i wake up. Been having that one for a few months now. Brill.

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