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Sneakers O'Toole

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Posts posted by Sneakers O'Toole

  1. Danny thats the crap i was drinking in OZ. That stuff and 40 degree heat don't mix too well! i'll try find a picture of me drinking the stuff.


    Well thats as close as i could get, Woodstock Bourbon and Coke. I'm the pretty one on the left. But yeah don't expect good things from JD an Coke in a Can. It's one of theose ideas that is best left as an idea, like cornflake tart sandwiches.


  2. I saw a bottle of bourbon and coke on the train station floor yesterday!

    If i were you, which i'm not, i would'nt go near JD & coke in a can, i've had it in OZ and it's bloody horrible. I am a fan of whiskey and coke but that stuff is nasty. Same goes for the bourbon version.

    They also do smirnoff ice in a can. I now think folk in OZ are too lazy to mix drinks tereselves.

    I have probably been no help at all.

  3. I reckons on Scum where ray winston is going to do one of "the daddys" boys over, walks up to the pool table and grabs a ball mid game and slides it into a sock, says to the guys playing "carry on" real casual like.

    Or, same film, goes to have a do with a guy... "wheres you tool" 'other guy' "what f**king tool!"... does him in with a pipe, "THAT FACKIN TOOL!!"


  4. At the moment i'm working for the family buisness, basicly i deliver cars, valet them, go to auctions stuff like that. But next month i'm going to Lincoln Uni to study Media, Cultre and Communication, hopefully from there i will be going to work at ITV, unless they forget about me :( . Previously i have worked as a cleaner and a Mortgage Litigation Consultant which was THE worst job ever, paid for a round the world trip though (Y) . I'm also considering joining the Police, but i still need to have a think on that

    Oh and in my dream future i'm gunna be a kick ass guitar player in a band called Phazer diddldllylylsdlyllilyi booow dudududuhhhh. Or maybe not

  5. Maybe the cannabis deaths came from people getting the munchies and eating too many parma violets or whatever they're called. I came cloase to becoming a statistic when i bought the full box from the cornershop, don't even particularly like them either. Did produce lots of purple vomit though.

    At some point they will have to reclassify alot of things but it won't be for an age yet, not until people in the gerneral public really understand drugs and don't just rely on stereotypes and misinformation.

  6. There was a guy in my class at school years ago who sleepwalked, one night he got up and jumpedout of his window and landed on the patio face first. Knocked all his front teeth out.

    He had to get bars fitted because he kept trying to do it.

    Thankfully i don't sleepwalk, i just have conversations in my sleep. While i was in New Zealand my mates recorded me, i was talking about buying new trainers apparently.

  7. Watched the trailer for TMNT earlier today, gotta say it doesn't look good. I'm sick of computer animation and cgi in films. Much prefer the old way like in the old turtle films.

    I am looking forward to Snakes on a Plane though, might actually go to the cinema to see that one, havent been in years.

  8. I've been pretty dissapointed with the new series, if i want to watch people bodging stuff i'll watch scrapheap challenge. On the old episodes they would review about 5 cars, now they do 1 or 2. Stll got some funny bits in it, but i wish they'd actullay show more cars.

  9. Hello everyone!

    Nice to see folk remember me.

    I have just got back from my round world trip this morning, quite glad i didn't sell my bike because i'm itching to go riding again.

    Hopefully i'll still be able to ride, havent ridden in over a year but no matter it'll be fun learning moves again.

    I'll no doubt see some of you on rides in the future.


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