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Everything posted by robnewland

  1. haha we need more pics like that ^ ^ ^ I can't believe you posted the exact same topic twice! Duh! I can see this topic, then one about riding in bath, then an exact copy of this topic again! Aaargh!
  2. I work doing the cleaning in my local butchers. It may not be a pleasant job, but I get good pay ( £5 an hour ) and my boss is a nice guy. If you have a local butcher, try asking them, they may have a vacancy. It was this job that allowed me to buy my onza so I would say just go out and get asking people. Only if you are REALLY desperate try mcdonalds....
  3. Oh, ok. I did wonder if that might be the case... And pissin_on_the_fence that is what I'm planning on doing... Using this bike until I get sick of it or the frame breaks, then stickin most of the parts on a new frame... I was originally gonna go for a mod liek a t-bird, but I am nearly 6 ft now so I felt a bit uncomforttable on it. Plus I compared the weight of a t-raptor to a t-pro mod and found that they were actually pretty similar so it wouldn't make too much difference...
  4. Well it wasnt my first choice, but considering it is my first trials bike and I wasnt loaded with money, it's not bad. Thats a mod bike.... Edit: Joe_Da_Man you beat me to it...
  5. Ok, got it to play with Mplayer Nice vid though .
  6. Did you not see the other ones in the forum...? Oh well...
  7. would you mind putting it on youtube ( www.youtube.com ) or google video for those non-windows users please... ( I can't play windows media files such as .wmv and .wma as they are windows only files... )
  8. 15 on the first of january...
  9. Going to see them support Iron Maiden . You can get the video for trivium covering master of puppets on youtube.com - as well as many good trials videos . Their album ascendancy just kicks so much butt...
  10. Heres a larger pic of mine. Warning: It is VERY big (1200 x 1600 px)
  11. I have the onza vp pedals and I seriously dislike them for the fact that they have left big fat scars on my left shin . Apart from that they are very grippy pedals, unless you ride them with wet shoes - when I could not keep my feet on and subsequently my left slipped off and stabbed itself on the pedal.
  12. Nice vid but didn't like all the fast-motion stuff. Some nasty bails there too but ! lol Rob.
  13. You like my t-raptor ? It's a 2004 model but is pretty much standard except fro a new middleburn chainring.
  14. use the tags - for example [.IMG.]yoururlgoeshere[./IMG.] - remove the dots though - I put them in to stop the tages from working... to put a link in a aswell: [.IMG.]yourimagegoeshere[./IMG.] - dont forget the trailing slash.... and remove the dots...
  15. Haha found a pic I uploaded to photobucket a while ago...
  16. I only have some pics on my phone. I can text them to someone if they can transfer them to pc...
  17. Yep its the armstrong cranks. I may get some new cranks later on though as I have seen some nice ones about. I am happier now that I have replaced the chainring as I know it shouldn't happen again.
  18. Hate to break it to everyone but he has already bought the frame ...
  19. Recently on my onza t-raptor the chain came off without me realising it, and got stuck between my bashguard and chainring - scratching the paint quite badly and bending the front chainring. So I took it off and sorted it out. Five minutes later it came off again and bent the chainring once more. So I decided enough was enough and went out to replace the bent chainring. £16 down and with a new middleburn chainring fitted I don't have this problem anymore because the new one is wider than the cheapo one that came with my onza, and subsequently the chain can't slip down into the gap between my chain and bashguard. This was quite an annoying problem, but I was wondering has anyone else ever suffered this?
  20. Hmm I would definetly go for the t-rex as it is in better condition. Plus I have an onza and I love it . Rob.
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