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Posts posted by Whiteboy

  1. i find it easy enought to get preasure i have a weirdo ratcherty screw driver tool that i can turn the handel at 90degree to give more leveradge well i did but left it on the train today :lol: but a normal screwdriver seems to work fine. brakes have never moved int the 3 weeks i been using these bolts.

  2. ok well im getting a woodstock :P so i wanted a booster just to stiffen it up a bit and didnt want it to weight a ton so riped of my old one and got given this one by a very kind mate :) butchered it up bodged some spacers AND WERE AWAY!!!!!! funny thing is thought i dont notice any diffrence beetween this one over my other one :lol: even though my home jobby was twice the weight and size. ohh well it works and seetin up the brake now is a dream. just thought i would share...

  3. my grind wasnt eveh harsh was about a month old... i dont drag brake at all th one day they woore down most on was the first proper day of riding with a little group ask any of them i did nopt drag my brake at all just used it when nedded it and they weere getting smaller and smaller every minute ;)

  4. ok well main post is to ask what the distncace from 4 bolt mount to tother is on a woodstock. i am sure i hgave asked before but if someone could answer would be great help. what is the wheelbase of this frame? also what is the cs length and finally is there any bb rise?


  5. PADS: rim jam greens

    TIME USED: only 2 days

    RIM USED: alex dx32

    GRIND: frsh mediam


    BRAKE USED: magura four bolt, home made booster bled with water and rb lever

    WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON A GOOD WORKING BRAKE: hold loads of bit and wont let go

    HOW DO THEY COMPARE WITH OTHER PADS YOU'VE USED: well they seem to hold okish not the best but up in the top

    REVIEW: got these pads and wacked them on. the worked pretty much straight out of the packet and there was a smallish squek only rode on them for about ann hour and they seemed ok. went out today for a big ride and within the first hour noticed a dramatic drop in the pad backing width they were wearing super fast. by the end of the ride all my tpa had been used and there is now only a few mm of pad matirail left. im noot sure if i just got a bad batch or something but they were very poor on pad rate and hold wasnt that brilliant. i dont drag my brake and try to not use it unneseseroily(sp) but these pads are now dead. spose they would be good on a clean or light grind or koxx rim or something. but didnt work for me. these pads are up in the tops that ive tried just dont last.


  6. I'm pretty sure that he's referring to the Ali Bongo that they offered you :o

    You could make a nice little profit if you bought it and sold it for a slightly higher (but still cheaper than shop) price.

    yeah was on bout the waranty replacment one not the snaped one :o

  7. ok well steve and rob from barnstable are probably coming to taunton on wednsday so i thought maybe we could make a little ride out of it. im sure the street lot will come down and all the taunton riders will be out so if you fancy coming just put your name and we could like meet everyone ant the train station or something! so come along!

    cheers tom

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