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Everything posted by _Owen.

  1. wow that was well good!! does anyone know what bike that is??
  2. 32 mins. wow it didtn seam that long lol
  3. i cannot really judge them as i have never ridden one but i was looking into getting one and everyone i have spoken to that has one or has ridden one says that they are gr8 bikes and easy to learn on.
  4. sweet vid m8. how long have you been riding??
  5. why not just buy a magura bleed kit. i no they cost more but surley they are the best way to bleed ?
  6. Are saracens proned to snapping because i was considering getting one but i dont want a weak frame.
  7. hi there, i was looking at this post and thinking, why not look at getting that 24" onza zoot. i cant really coment on it as i have never ridden it but surley its like a small stock. so still easy to throw around.
  8. it isnt me but this was posted on observedtrials.net http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthrea...t=f**king+harsh
  9. the hs11 lever will work but the piston is smaller so it will have less power, so it wont b quite as good.
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