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Posts posted by HarshRider

  1. what stephen said sounds brilliant is there any way we could have a pole and let the people choice how they want the video comp to take place closer to the time!?

    what ever happens we all know were going to get some decent brand new vidios :ermm:

  2. last years was abit funny with rounds such as going through a round and some people wanting new vids for each round etc. good in theory but not best for this kinda situation!

    the problem i see with 4 sections is me for one im planning on combining street and natraul as best editing that i can do :"> etc etc!

    i personally think one big table and best vote wins! but yet again that would be messy because some people would be to lazy to download all the videos!

    another thing is could created the first few rounds till you end up with 8 then they go up in a final draw?

    im just giving poop sujestions! but i look forward to entering :ermm:

  3. Say for example I wanted to ride with you guys. How would I know where you're riding? I might go to Chingford, Chinley, Chilton, Chisworth, Chiserly or even Chimney (sounds like a nice place).

    Anyway, I presume as you're from the South that you're talking about Chichester. What's the place like for riding? I might come down in the summer if it's worth the trip.


    stephen if you will take some pictures of the ride and the places to ride there! will post them up on the forum and you can see what its like for yourself (N)

    there isnt loads but there quite abit hidden around!


  4. hello

    at the moment im getting round to testing my magura booster i made for my project. i emailed magura to ask if if they could tell me the braking force of a magura hs 33 and did recive one but foolishly my email deleated it :P so if any one for some strange reason would have the braking force of the hs33 magura could they please tell me.

    if not i can eaisly email magura again.

    cheers Rich :S

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