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Posts posted by HarshRider

  1. erm, i hope your joking  :-

    that was soooo much better than a cls vid imo B)

    i remember seeing people say your a good rider.... so when it was downloading i was like this better be good, i was expecting an above average rider....

    but no that was awsome!, how can you say the vids poo ???!!!??  man i cant wait til a good one  :P

    how old are you mate???? and how long you been riding ( honest answer :P)

    (i think matt staples may have a contender soon  :P  :P )


    keep up the good work !

    Dave  :P

    i didnt say it was bad just i prefure engage vid 2 to be onest there was more style in that vidio! still some huge gaps etc! just sorta reminded me of a cls vidio everything big, sidehop, gap etc

    i think hes 16 :D

  2. I think you missed my point.  There are people who dig short bikes, but there are also certain members who wank over shorter bikes purely because their 'favourite' riders do, and of course, becasue everyone loves to go against the seeming majority...

    but thats also the case with longer bikes also people buy a python because craig lee scott rides one etc!

    i dig short bikes you dig long ones! other people just bum

  3. Now before the "I like riding a short bike so I'm not classed as 'trendy'" come wading in with their twattish blanket comments that mean f**k all - just getting a longer wheelbase won't make you a better rider.  It feels a bit easier to backwheel (in mine, and a lot of other people's experiences) and do "pure" sorta trials - including natural, where a more stable, longer wheelbase is a huge help - on a longer bike for me, but then again there was that guy on here who was shorter than some shits that I've done who bought a LB1065.  As opposed to making him some trials demigod, it was shit 'cos it was too long.  Just buying a 1200mm+ wheelbase bike won't make you great, but again, that's bloody obvious.

    what the f**k are you on about "I like riding a short bike so I'm not classed as 'trendy'" alot of people ride short bikes no matter how tall they are or short because they get on with them better! in MY experience thats true for me every "long" bike i have ridden felt like trash to me to be onest! (minus a few pures) im 6'1 i ride a leeson clear standard length it suits me perfectly! i dont do it cause i dont want to be trendy!! it also doesnt mean i only do street! i like all types of trials "pure" to "street" to whatever.

    i think people should calm down and start accepting other people views. SOME people get on with long bikes! SOME people get on with short bikes!

    any who sorry for bitching!

    my leeson is 1010 wheel base i think.


  4. i am doign this because i wanna say how i tested these pads like everyone else who has had a chance to test these diffrent brake pads out and they are blue very still i have used worn grind i am telling you all this because i got told its inportant to tell what grind i use i only use a grind so my brake works in the wet init any way back to the pads there blue and i use a d521 witch means they act very well because the squeck really loudly and stop me alot for when i endo and stuff genrally i would like to thank my mum and dad for giving birth to me and these great pads witch didnt exploded my magura cause they is blue

    sorry to post that im a dick you see rich

  5. dj

    You inspired me! Your happy attitude, the way you rode. I know I only saw you once. but I was hoping to really get to know you and ride with you many more times! I remeber you told me to stick to it and I will :ermm: thank you dj will not forget you!

    deepest sympothy Rich

  6. You all sound like a bunch of 10 year old girls.

    When im out ridin, im lookin for obstacles and then thinkin of ways to get up/over or things I can do on on it and variations etc.

    Yea I personally like a fluid style of riding- manuals, bunyhops etc, but watching pure comp riders is amazing! The way they can get so much power from static is immense.

    I say, don't rule out any style of riding. Ok some bikes may be geard towards a certain style, but that doesnt mean you can try a different approach does it!?

    I used to find that most trials riders were sound, and had respect for anyone on two wheels. But now theres a few who are hoping onto the bmx wagon ( I generally find that bmx'rs only like people who bmx)

    So come on guys, go out, ride, and people who like 'street only' try gettin up an obstacle from static, instead of hitting things with speed! And vice versa.

    If everyone took something from all different styles, there could be an awsome technique out there thats a cross between the two. And I for one know id love to watch it.


    I agree with this guy! :lol:

    I hate being a 10 year old girl to :">

  7. does it matter what you ride? a bikes a bike! sladering long frames! etc is just shit its like a downhiller dissing a cross countryer! its all shit! ride what you want? I don't see the problem! this is just like people judging other people because there not like themselfs! this whole world is full of it and its shit!

    IMO!! oh and (sp) for what evers wrong up there ^^^^^


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