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Everything posted by justtysen

  1. It's worth noting that George Peck is the original mountain unicyclist. Riding since the 70's. So even though he's a new trials rider he isn't exactly a beginner on a hopping wheel:)
  2. Well, 24Seven's motto is Ride till You Die...
  3. If one nose dives off of a drop the low stand over and long stem of a mod makes it easier to land on one's feet.
  4. Having the heel of my sneaker get caught in on my brake booster. Those days when you try to ride only to realize that you might as well have spent all those hours on the bike playing checkers. Next time I need to bleed my brakes I might try the water thing. The guys at heatsink say they do it. Plus how cool would it be to say you get bike equipment out of a pipe in your house? You don't ride those six miles on the mod bike do you? Seatless?!
  5. I did a test once to see how much my hair would grow in a year. I completely shaved it and by about 14 months the front was down to my chin and the back was a few inches below shoulder height. Overall it had an appearance of being about shoulder length, and remember, that was from being as short as an electric hair clipper can cut i.e. shorter than most "buzz cuts". Recently I put my hair in a ponytail and cut it off which has the effect of leaving the front long but shortening the back. My mom thinks it looks stupid (and she likes long hair) but I don't really care. It's nice to feel the back of my neck again and when I wear a helmet you almost can't tell that my hair is still pretty long, especially if I'm wearing my Hans Rey Adventure team Buff underneath.
  6. My school has some pallets that as so flimsy that I definitely wouldn't ride on them. I suggest putting the pallets you are using for gaps at an angle to each other so that aren't perfectly square. I feel like this helps with versatility and overall bike control. I also like to make uneven stacks and practice landing with one wheel higher than the other. I've seen some great videos of Craig Lee Scott where he side hops to his front wheel and puts his rear wheel on something 2 ft higher.
  7. I live in the United States but I'm going to London on holiday with my mum in a couple of weeks (sans bike) and was wondering if there are some trials friendly bike shoppes I should check out while I'm there. Thanks, Tysen
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