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Everything posted by Alex87

  1. My new Tensile freewheel clicked and creaked a few times in the first few days I rode it but it's all settled down now so give it a few days
  2. Aluminium doesn't need laquering becuse the outer surface reacts with the oxygen in the air to form an aluminium oxide protective surface on the top
  3. My first inspirational video was the Toxicity one by the Trialskings about 5 years ago
  4. Try www.freestuffjunction.co.uk
  5. looks very nice, soon as i have money I'll be havin a mod frame made
  6. I think best way to overcome being scared of doing something is to think about the move and what you're trying to do, get it all clear in your mind before you actually get your bike near it. Then when you go for it, don't stop to think, just go for it because you've planned it out before, that way you can't get scared cos you're going too fast, but its also not dangerous cos you actually know what you're trying to do
  7. Also, in the <head> tag at the top of the page, assuming you have some way to see html, add a <title>With a page title in here</title> Then you get a title at the top of the page in the bar in the browser instead of newpage1
  8. hehe I was riding in Manchester about two weeks ago with some mates and these two chavs got one of my mates to do the same move over a bench about six times in a row lol. Was at the end of the ride as well so he was knackered, managed to do it perfectly everytime though ! On the issue: I never let anyone I don't know ride my bike, simple as that, just not worth the risk.
  9. I had 10 quid total with me Hard to find a freewheel and a wider chain for that
  10. Well I broke my freewheel, no problem I thought, I'll drive down to the bike shop, buy a new freewheel and put it on at my car (note: I've never changed a freewheel before). So I drove down, went to the bike shop, bought a new freewheel, went back to my car, took the old one off, ball bearings etc everywhere but that didn't matter cos it was my old one. Then I realised i'd need a vice or something to take the actual screw on bit of the freewheel off my crank. Went back to the bike shop, got them to take it off for me, took about 15 mins ! Then i went back to my car, put the new freewheel on, screwed it up the wrong way first time, turned it round and screwed it on the right way. Put the chain over it, and noticed the cogs on the freewheel wouldn't fit through the chain. Went back to the bikeshop again, i'm sure they loved me by now, and asked if they had a freewheel with thinner cogs, they did but it was twice the price of the first one and i couldn't afford it. So i got a refund on the first freewheel and drove to another bike shop about 10 mins away, which was closed. I then went and spent all my money on petrol then drove home. Does anyone know why they make freewheels with different width teeth on the cog?! Now I have no bike (and I dislike freewheels)
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