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Everything posted by GTF

  1. get a profile and learn youself real roll backs. it only looks stupid rolling backwards without "pedaling". good luck with your bmx
  2. welcome mate. have fun.
  3. many 26" bikes now have a really low standover height... but otherwise it looks right
  4. GTF


    why the h*ll are you riding without a helmet. If you'd landed on your head there you'd be dead! but anyway, nice drop mate
  5. Mosty anything that's hard. and metal. In Flames, Children of Bodom, Bullet for my Valentine, Dexter Danger, Dust to Dust, Jimmy Eat World++++
  6. I saw on Drop In TV season 1. Saw Shawn Danny jumping around. later i started to download vids and dream about a bike.. two years later i started with trials. been riding for about 4 months
  7. sure mabye one after 5 months also I'm starting on a new school now. Lotta homework. May be sometime till my next vid, but I'll try to put one togeter in a 2 months time cheers
  8. N.I.C.E. good editing. good riding. good everything keep it up
  9. There's that song again....! Nice vid man. I really liked that one. Good editing. Good riding. Both up
  10. if you got a DVD player that can handle burned cd's, you just burn it on an emty cd. simple as that. if not, you'll have to get a DVD plate and burn it on that (but then you'll need a DVD burner on your computer) hope this helps cheers
  11. go for a test ride on a stock. if you like the stock better get one. if you don't like it get a mod. i like stock. they're better
  12. my nex vid will probably be filmed with a camara for about £3500 I'm going to a multimedia school glad to hear that you like the vid. always nice to get some positive response thanks everybody
  13. the treeride was hard on that bike... 1100 wheelbase, 365 chainstays++
  14. "I've done some fixes on my bike, and I think it works much better now" -TRA He apparently believes that his bike works better with no front tyre
  15. was the bench gap so good? everybody seem to like that helmet is always on. never without. everybody riding without shouldn't be riding
  16. they got it but it's like £110 thanks mate
  17. I recon that there were some sort of ronnie topic a time ago... Some of them are really stong and some of them crack really easy..
  18. Hey Does anyone know where I can get an Avid BB7 203mm fornt brake? Thanks
  19. TRA was riding without front tyre, not the whole wheel
  20. I know 3 vids on the forum with that song thanks hehe... should i take that drop thing positive or negative?
  21. I'm using movie maker. Nice prog. I'm getting a mac in a week now, so then I'm going to use that
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