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Newbie Need's Help...


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Hey people, i've just signed up on here in the persuit of help & wisdom... I've been riding dirt & street 4 year's now & have decided that i need a change, so i'm gunna hang me birt machine up & through myself in2 street trails, & this is where i need some help... I have no idea what's worth buyin & what's not, what is the best frame & part's 2 get without brakin the bank, don't get me wrong i wanna build me a sweet ride, but don't want 2 worry about it fallin apart on me after a spill or 2... Any idea's, surgesgens, reccomendation will b appreciated... Cheer's guy's...

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perhaps http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=10275 ,its new out from onza.it'll be easy to upgrade this bike and the spec isnt bad for its price.upgrades that i recomend for this bike would be magura hs33 with a decent grind and pads,a single speed kit and highroller tires (Y)


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Thats the worse advice ever (above comment from zoo something) Why would he spend £1000's for just starting? I'd highly recommend looking on ebay and such since you get so much bike for your money. Theres always pretty nice stocks on there and won't break the bank either.

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Also i'd much more recommend looking on here in the classifieds section, although you can't post there you can always look and see if they have an msn address.

Its how i got my first trials bike, and i'd much prefer buying a trials bike from here the ebay.

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if your looking for an easy way into the sport, look through ebay for any second hand onza's, echo's, koxx's etc, but make sure the bikes are in good condition and the sellers have good feedback.

If you look through the rides section on here, im sure you could find a ride near you, and im pretty sure that youd be able to get a ride on many different bikes and wheel sizes, its good to try them and see what you like!

I built my pitbull from scratch about a year ago and its lucky that i had the money availible, because to get what i needed for the custom build went waaaay over budget! a full build bike is definately the cheapest and easiest way to go if your just starting. if you don't mind me asking, how much money have you got to play with?

Hope this helps

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Hey people, i've just signed up on here in the persuit of help & wisdom... I've been riding dirt & street 4 year's now & have decided that i need a change, so i'm gunna hang me birt machine up & through myself in2 street trails, & this is where i need some help... I have no idea what's worth buyin & what's not, what is the best frame & part's 2 get without brakin the bank, don't get me wrong i wanna build me a sweet ride, but don't want 2 worry about it fallin apart on me after a spill or 2... Any idea's, surgesgens, reccomendation will b appreciated... Cheer's guy's...

Hi there if you wont a good spec bike that wont cost u much then i would recomend.

Stock (26 inch ) an onza t-rex they are very good spec bike and wont cost you more then £400

and if you wont a mod (20 inch) i would recomend an onza t-pro these are also a good spec and wont cost you more then £350

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Well i've got £400 ATM but was just gunna put that on frame & forks...

Or is that a lil OTT...

nah thats a good price as you have got a wide range of products to pick from . i highly reccomend either echo urbans or echo controls,personally i would get the urbans as im going to shorten my wheel base with these; but the choice can only be made once you finally decide on a frame . are you coming along to the brum ride wayne?


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nah thats a good price as you have got a wide range of products to pick from . i highly reccomend either echo urbans or echo controls,personally i would get the urbans as im going to shorten my wheel base with these; but the choice can only be made once you finally decide on a frame . are you coming along to the brum ride wayne?


I'm thinkin so, not sure which ride i'll b takin, even thou i'll proberly just b watchin, lol... But it'll give me the chance 2 look at some other bike's, & 2 c how thay do & can perform, i'm such an amuater, lol...

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bring the identiti with you and just have a watch and get inspired (Y) and on a serious point,don't go buying any frames before you test ride some,either wait till brum or wait till we go to trials-uk shop when it opens (Y)


That's just what i was thinkin meself... PM me about the train's info when you know what's what...

Any more info from u guy's is welcome...

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