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Today i was out riding and hopping off anything up to 4ft walls or ledges.

How can you mentally bring yourself to drop big?

or does it come naturally?


Noone then??

Well you will get better controll after a while of riding, then the confidence will come naturally mate.

Change your sodding font, i cant read that :(

Why does his font matter? :S

I can read it so therefore you should be able to.

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Why does his font matter? :S

I can read it so therefore you should be able to.

You silly little bint, maybe my eyes arn't as good as yours?


Today i was out riding and hopping off anything up to 4ft walls or ledges.

How can you mentally bring yourself to drop big?

or does it come naturally?


Just keep practicing, it will happen with time.

Just keep getting higher and higher by like an inch or two each time, then you will be doing bigger without realising it :)

Edited by El Cristoff
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You gain confidence with experiance.

I've dropped off around 7ft to concrete, and that was just silly. :P Once you've been riding for a long time, you'll look back at the things you were scared off and just laugh to yourself.

I look at things now and think they've shrunk! :huh:

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it came with me naturally i dont no why, but as soon as i was pedal kicking i went from a curb to a four foot ledge in a day. Then from that about a week later doing 6 foot ledges, then i decided i didnt like big stuff, now i prefer technically spiny street, or natrual ! hope that some how that made scence and helped you in a way.

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Read my sig :)

But yea Im by no means ballsy but it does just come, I mean by no means am i dropping off anything high but I now go off stuff without even thinking that a while ago i woulda had to have a couple of goes at dropping off.

But I mean it will always be scary going off somthing bigger chances are if you are finding it really hard to bring yourself to do somthing your not ready for it. Go do somthing a little smaller and build up to it. But getting over that initial fear and doing it is what fuels the adrenaline which is one of the greatest things about riding the natural high you get.

However in my opinion drops get to a point then become silly, as they just become dangerous.

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BIG drops (6-7+ foot) are scary and break your bike, but if you really want to do them, don't think about it, jump off it before you get the chance to weigh up the pro's and con's and what may go wrong, It will all come naturally with practice!

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BIG drops (6-7+ foot) are scary and break your bike, but if you really want to do them, don't think about it, jump off it before you get the chance to weigh up the pro's and con's and what may go wrong, It will all come naturally with practice!

6+7 foot drops i can casually drop off without thinking. Anything above that i have to think about.


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