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Magura Louise 01

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Hey i need to bleed my rear magura louise 01.

Sorry if this has been asked before but i been searching for a previous post for about an hour and cant find one.

I have 2 questions

1. Can i gravity bleed a louise as i dont have a syringe to hand

and 2. Can i use or is it wise to use either veggie oil or water in the system. Currently it has mineral oil in the system im just worrying that if i gravity bleed it there may be bits of mineral fluid left in the sytem mixed with water/veggie oil and lead to a rubbish feel.

Anyone with any thoughts or experience is much appreciated!!


Edited by angrybeaver23
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i dont have any mineral oil to hand and im goin out on bike first thing in the morn, it should be fine but if however it decides its not going to work for any reason whats peoples views on using veggie oil or something similar??

Don't use water, make sure you use something that will lubricate the system and wont overheat too much when braking, magura recommends cooking oil as long as its flushed out after tempory use. I would go for baby oil as I think its less viscous. Therefore you should get better response. Don't use water what ever you do, I did that to my old hope and it lasted about 2 days before the lever and caliper siezed.

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Hey ive got some dot 4 mineral oil brake fluid, you can use that. or i'll sort it for you. ive done my hope a few times so should be of a similar fashion of bleeding. Are you riding lincoln tomorow? sunday, peace gardens, 12:30 - 1ish

Could bring it out with me. (Y)

Hey Toby! Cant ride tommorow as i have work in the morning and got a party in the afternoon... Yippee!!

But im on half term from college as of today for two weeks so im up for riding any day really but want to go down quarry mainly, i went down the other day, The rear louise brake aint to bad really did a few reasonable sized drops and it was ok but it does need a bleed, so could do with getting the correct sized bit to screw into the caliper and use a syringe to do it properly.

You fancy a ride next week at all??

What do people mean by gravity bleed? and how do they do it that way?


A gravity bleed is where the brake is bled without the use of a syringe!

Hope brakes are gravity bled its where you use a system of opening and closeing the bleed nipple on the caliper whilst pulling the brake lever, just look at any topic on bleeding hope brakes and it will explain in much greater detail.

It is the same principle as bleeding the majority of car brakes. This is as oposed to using a syringe to force fluid through the system such as the case with most magura brakes.

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