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Looking To Start Riding Again


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Hi I'm new to the forum my name is Keran and i haven't ridden trials for a good couple of years now.

My bike is a 26" Mission Reefer which is great to ride, with Mavic D521s, HS33s, middleburn RS7s, etc.

Anyway i'm now looking to start riding again but looking for a 20", so just after some advise from you guys that own these bikes on any pros and cons?

I'm not looking to spend loads of money as i won't be taking it too seriously, just after the buzz i used to get from jumping a big gap, up and down walls etc.

So there we go enough from me what have you got?

Cheers Kieran

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05/06 Onza T-pro would be a good bet (Y)

Ride really nicely, can pick up a good one from here or eBay for under £200. That'd be my choice if you aren't looking at spending too much. What budget are you on?


p.s stay on the big bike :P

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A older model of the T-pro, The 05/06 models are great, they come with maguras, Front and back And drilled rims front and back.

I would surgest to go on ebay and look around.

They is always loads on there.

Or wait till your validated, Which I think will be pretty soon, And post on clasified, they is always cheap 20" going on here with top notch spec.

You may have to pay a lil' bit more.

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Cheers for the replys. That T-mag is the sort of thing i'm after and that style of frame. I am looking to spend about £200 ideally from someone close enough to test ride first, Kent isn't not too far away but i am going to America on friday but if it isn't sold by the time i get back in a couple of weeks i would seriously think about buying.

A couple of you mentioned the older T-pro model, any pros and cons against the T-mag?

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