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I used to get shin-digs all the time and they are really painful, so I can sympathies with you! My legs are now covered in scars because of it. Then i invested in six six one shin pads and they do protect the back of your legs.

I got mine from Halfords for around 30 quid and not had any problems since :), the only problem is they get to smell after a while if you don't wash them ha ha. But they are machine washable!

veggie shin pads

Cheers :)


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land on your feet not your head.

where a helmet, bones get fixed heads get brain damage.

improvise in all situations.

know when to let go of your bike!

i dont think there has been any major injuries eg life threatening, (correct me if im wrong) un like in other extream mountain biking.

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Ok, I seem to pick up a different injury every weekend. First I came off a wall and I let the front wheel drop somehow, then landed groin on frame.

So painfull, but didnt get my balls luckily. Since then Ive been weary about drops, and Ill only pedal up flat blocks, and not walls :(

I had a foot slip off the pedals trying to kick up stuff and the pedal came round and smashed into my knee. I always wear shin pads and knee pads now. But now when I kick up stuff and bail, the pedals always smack me in the back of the legs and ankles :angry: (any ideas how to protect back of legs?)

I think the first one is most common.........how many of you have done that one!?

What typical injuries have you had and can give any advice how to avoid!? Anybody wear custom/home made protective gear?

My main tip would be - dont try stuff thats too big, always work up to it gradually!

I think everyone has had there fair amount of fall off's.

The trick is, just get back on the bike, and try to 'ride through it'-(unless you've broken your leg then you’re let off)

Or get back up and do what you wanted to do again, your only going to build up a fear of what you've just done.

As you said you've been more wary about drops, you don't want a fear of what you’re doing, were all doing trials because we enjoy it right?

If you go for something and you don't make it you try it again, it may be too big but it shows progression and everyone needs to push them self a bit.

As for the back of the legs, I went out a couple of days ago, first time in ages with no shinnies and ended up with a nice big load of cuts around the back of my leg. I would agree with oliyoungman14 and get some 661 shinnies. Just get them from

Chain reaction


The only faults I find with these shinnies are the smell after a large amount of use's and no wash! As well as they have the tendency to more a bit on your leg, so one moment you have them on fine, the next there in the opposite direction.

My mate has some [url=http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=21831]Lizard skin shinnies, they are pretty heavy duty, don’t turn around, breathable and pretty lightweight. There a little bit more expensive but seem to do a better job...

Or just have a look through chain reaction under the body amour section, for shinnies, kneepads, armpads, ect.

I'm sure you could find protection for nearly every fall off on there.

As for me I've landed on my groin, nice dents in shins, scratched back of my leg, landed on my coccyx, but some how my worst injury seems to be my index finger for my rear brake. I even took a week off from riding to allow it to repair but it still hasn't it seems to be really badly bruised that I can't bend it as far as the other finger, and I cant pull my brake hard enough because of this! Anyways...



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