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Zoo! Python 2004


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mmm, doesn't this say something about Deng's quality back then? Simple but strong. Smaller batches being made, and Deng was starting to make a name for himself so making tough lightweight frames were a must. Sadly now that he's so heavily commercialised, he can afford to slacken on the quality front these days. :(

The bashplate threads are totally fine. Not a single problem. But the initial roadblock i came up against when I first bought it off Olly was that the old bashplate on it (properly battered and flattened) was bolted on with nuts screwed on the ends at the chainstays, so basically over time it had seized up a bit so it was a nightmare getting that bolt out because the nut seized so tight. Eventually I just got it dremelled the nut in half.. and out came the bolt with an easy few allen key turns. So now the new bashplate on that is pretty immaculate and I made sure to do each bolt evenly and at a good tightness with black washers and personally cut piece of rubber. Perfectionism goes a long way ;)

Post a video sometime !

EDIT: also, none of the damage was at my hands either. So it's been scratched and dented for years already. If it's lasted Olly and myself all this time in it's current state then it sure has plenty more ahead. I'd like to see a 2008 Deng frame put up this kind of fight!

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My old lovely lady too!!

Haha, Can't believe this beast is still doing the rounds, I asked Adam from TartyBikes AGES ago whether he thought the condition of the frame would stand up to much and he said it might be worth buying as a cheap way of testing the Python for lenght but 'I'd give it maybe 2 months max before that'll go!' ...I ended up getting it anyway and riding it fine for a good 6 months before being pestered to sell it to Sponge (which I didn't really want to do because I thought it was raped enough, lol)

Looks like it's still getting some love though, nice to see it about rather than banged up in my shed (Y)

Edit: Here are the pics from when I had it built up if anyones intrested :)


you thought THAT was raped?

jesus, people take care of frames wayy too much these days :P .


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