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Tensile Cranks?


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So yeah i managed to strip the removing threads on my zoo cranks today so imma need a new set now. F**K!!!

So i want to try 175mm cranks but also hear that the tensiles tend to break. I dont want to spend to much but if an extra 20 bucks between tensile and deng cranks makes my bike ride better ill go for it.

So... do they suck or no??

Bear in mind im not crazy smooth but dont do huge stuff either.

Edited by spartan
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yes tensile cranks do SUCK if you only stripped the threads where the crank extractor goes in then just carry on using them and when you want to remove them then that the bb bolt out and spray wd40 or gt85 in the splines leave it overnight to soak in and the whack them off using a rubber hammer job done (Y)

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As said before, unless you regularly remove your cranks, don't worry (its hammer time). As for tensiles, the original ones weren't all that, they broke reasonably easily and the machining on the side hurt like feck if you caught your ankles, i hated both sets of mine. The newer urban legends appear to be ok, i haven't owned any so i cant comment on durability. The advantage to tensiles is the half price replacement, which is worth alot in itself.

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Ok yeah the thing that im concerned about is that my bb has come loose on me twice in the last 3 days.

I use a First bb which is pretty much a try-all but without the sticker. The first time i just took off the crank and tightened the drive side cup which was the loose one, but then at the Bash at the Beach it came loose again which is when i stripped the cranks.

So im not really sure what to do about the bb and if im going to have to tighten it everyother day i dont want to have to hammer my cranks off all the time.

But i will try soaking them tonight and getting em off.

Damn, this is such a piss off though, argh!!

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I use a First bb which is pretty much a try-all but without the sticker.

The Tryall and First (if it's the one with integrated bearings) are about as different to each other as BB's can get. Totally different designs.

If it's coming loose use Loctite. Just make sure that the cups and your frame aren't made of the same material. First came in either aluminum or steel version. From what I remember using aluminum cups in an aluminum frame without any lubricant can lead to chemical welding if water gets onto the threads?

As for the cranks I wouldn't change them just because you've stripped the thread. It's pretty easy to remove such cranks anyway, you just undo the bolt and ride until they fall off.

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So how the hell can i get my zoo cranks off.

I soaked it in WD40 and tried hammering them off and put a screw driver between the frame and freewheel and tried hammering that in the pry it off but their wont come.

So wtf should i do??

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So how the hell can i get my zoo cranks off.

I soaked it in WD40 and tried hammering them off and put a screw driver between the frame and freewheel and tried hammering that in the pry it off but their wont come.

So wtf should i do??

It's pretty easy to remove such cranks anyway, you just undo the bolt and ride until they fall off.

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