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Moaning People

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Why dose everyone moan at trials riders ? Every time i go out for a street ride i either get moaned at by police or just the general public ,i don't think what we are doing is so wrong , were just having fun .is it just me that gets winged at or does everyone have the same problem ?

Thanks for any feedback .

Jack .

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People tend to moan/ react in many different ways if they see something out of the ordinary - such as trials riding.

Also, it's technically vandalism. Your best bet is to take the comments from the public on the chin, and do what mr policeman tells you to do.

Remember to be respectful as to where you're riding too.


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I'm always respectful when i ride ,i always keep my bash plate / any metal off the walls, I'm yet to brake any thing not even chip a wall .... to badly i wouldn't have the guts to argue to the police, i just nod and agree . :)

Edited by Adamant A3
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I'm always respectful when i ride ,i always keep my bash plate / any metal off the walls, I'm yet to brake any thing not even chip a wall .... to badly i wouldn't have the guts to argue to the police, i just nod and agree . :)

You'll go far (Y)

Most of the kids round here bash the crap out of whatever they're riding, and just give lip to anyone who questions it, be they an old lady or a policeman.

Oh andd Simp has the answer :P

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Yeah today i was just outside my mates house and the Grumpy Old Sod came and said can you move these pallets there in the way. He wasnt getting a car out and it wasnt anywhere near his place he just didnt want me round his house but i dont get it when you was a kid i bet he did stuff like this. Some people need to get a life Lol.

By the way why havent trials bikes got seats everyone been asking O.M.G

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You'll go far (Y)

Most of the kids round here bash the crap out of whatever they're riding, and just give lip to anyone who questions it, be they an old lady or a policeman.

Oh and Simp has the answer :P

year i try and be as polite as possible, Ive only ever lost my temper about someone having a go at me once , that was when a man came up to me going on about how he pays taxes to build walls like this and how i have no respect and so on. i just said try and find a scratch on this wall that i have made then he started swearing at me he even kicked my back wheel so i threw my bike at him and shouted back .

Jack 1 - Weird Man 0

(i felt bad after that)

Edited by Adamant A3
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By the way why havent trials bikes got seats everyone been asking O.M.G

haha another saying fropm people that dont have a clue is "has someone nicked you seet?" bloody anoying.

Alot of people in my town moan when we are in the center, but today me and a couple of mates(tom + dan swindle) were being filmed by a couple of chinese people, was quite funny to be honest :giggle:

ginger allen

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haha another saying fro pm people that don't have a clue is "has someone nicked you seat?" bloody annoying.

Alot of people in my town moan when we are in the center, but today me and a couple of mates(tom + Dan swindle) were being filmed by a couple of Chinese people, was quite funny to be honest :giggle:

ginger Allen

I stay away from town centers the moaning is to much but its good when you get a crowd watching you . i remember an old lady about 80 ish said could you teach my grandson how to ride a bike he was about 4 ,i was out by my garage on my own i actually got him riding a bike in about 2 hours it was the most rewarding thing Ive ever done I'm only 14 she tried to pay me but i declined :)

Edited by Adamant A3
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yehh i get this alot and i only live in a small town, the other day i was waiting outside a shop wasn't blocking the pavement or anything this old guy shoved me out the way saying people are trying to get through.

All im going to say is "GET A LIFE PEOPLE" to all who moan at trials riders who we are actually not doing anything wrong its not like were Criminals, Chavs wrecking people lifes.

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Yer chavs graffiti everything, that just makes the world look crap ,even if trials riders occasionally scratch a wall its not as bad as that .

Im a graffiti artist and i don't make the world look crap. Also with the whole getting moaned at im the only trials rider in my town so i get alot off trouble.

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because some peopele are limited thinking , be happy you don`t live in a comunist country , where the security comes and tell you : " You! Get over here , the partid do not like`s what you are doing ." and if you argue with them eventualy you will go to jail......Ceausescu is dead . Romania is a democratic country now :D

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Everyone is entitled to an opinion, with the elderly it may be previous experience with louts on bikes, causing trouble for no apparent reason, only takes one bad apple in a barrel.

Best thing you can do is to accept their opinion and apologise that you didn't see it from their point of view.

If we want trials to grow and develop, then we must collectively give a good image to the general public.

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Yer chavs graffiti everything, that just makes the world look crap ,even if trials riders occasionally scratch a wall its not as bad as that .

Hmm not just chav's skaters too, well the only time i've ended up damaging a wall or anything was because of slipping on wax and stuff.

it does get annoying as hell when someone says your being a vandal when the only thing your touching is a wall or something with it your tires.

only thing you can do is be respectful as you can, if that doesn't work then dunno do what you have too :D

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People always moan to me and my mates but I think it is best to just hear them out and not start argueing with them.

If you argue with people you always end up worse than if you had just listened to them.

Trials riders very rarely damage anything they ride on anyway so people really have nothing to moan about.

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