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Hope Mono Trials Front Brake


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i have just bought a hope trials front disc brake, its the older model, i was just deciding which rotor to get, as there is a seperate listing for the trials rotor but i wasnt sure if this was just for the newer caliper, and are the floating rotor designs any good for trials, any help much appreciated into which rotor a should choose, cheers

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I asked the guys at Tarty about this a year or so ago, and they said that they found the Hope Mono Trial rotors work best, because the pads in a Mono Trial are really deep, so you need a rotor with a deep surface to get the best out of it.

That said I've got a Gusset one on the front, it seems OK, but not as powerful as a Mono Trial one, but it offers more modulation.

The Monty rotors are supposed to be good, and there are loads of others to choose from, such as the Rockman ones.

Mono Trials have had the same caliper since they came out as far as I'm aware, for 05 and 06 they used the original Hope Mini lever, and the 07 and 08 ones use a newer lever.

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Dont get a floating rotor, There heaveyer, Much heaveyer and as the way that the "FLOAT" part is joined, its likely to be prone to cracks and other defects when using for trials, there designed for Xc and downhill where the rotor and pads generate an amount of heat that need to escape. floating rotors cool quick than the norm rotors..

Best bet would be somthing like a hope mono trials, Simple. and effective (Y)

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