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Why Are Some People...


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just why are some people complete tw@ts?

was getting my bike sorted out at a friends shop when some loud mouth a$$ came up and said he wanted to look at the bike (apparently with his hands...not his eyes)

but my friend has just finished fixing it and i was just about to hop on the pedals to try it out.

then he started kicking my bike because i wouldnt let him "look".

then my friend got pissed off and started calling him names (couldnt quite make it out-chinese), started saying shouldnt kick a foreigners bike and that it makes a bad impression of chinese people.

kinda wished i slapped him around a little out of pure irritation but then i would have started the fight and couldnt say "it was self defense"

are there stupid people like this in england?? its been a long time and ive forgotten

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What a confusing thread.

haha me no speaking engrish.

just venting my frustration on why people have to act stupid to other people (especially a chinese person towards a foreigner) to the point that they try to attempt to damage my bike just because i didnt let him touch it.

he didnt damage my bike, im just annoyed that he did it and then he got all aggressive because my friend told him not to do it.

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Don't sweat the small stuff, mate. There are idiots everywhere. They seem to get off on being pushy or intentionally irritating so they get noticed. They probably didn't get enough love when they were children. :giggle:

Cool to vent, but don't let 'em get you down! Glad it didn't get any worse for you.

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