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Hope Pro 2 Broken


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Hello there, i know i should be ringing hope but i'm lazy and spent the day sitting in the sun and watching tv and now its 6pm on a saturday evening and they're inevitably be closed.

Was playing on my bike the other day and the rear wheel appeared to keep slipping in the dropouts so i really tightened it up to try and keep it in place and then the freehub wouldn't coast at all. Engagements were fine going forwards but it won't back pedal freely at all. Took it apart and got the axle/freehub out but now it stuck out the hub because i put the endcap back on the axle etc etc :lol: Undid the wheel in the frame and it spins easier but not as it did. the freehub bearings feel as if they're catch or are egg shaped as they seem to hit resistance as you slowly sping the freehub round on the axle.

Is this a common issue that can be fixed with a new spacer or something or will it need sending off?

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If the bearings are shot you can just get the code off the side and get them from any decent bearing supplier... I used to crush bearings all the time, and whilst they may not be up to the quality of the original bearings, it saved a whole lot of postage and hassle.

I have a load of bearings spare here actually, might have one thats fits.

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Mine does it when I over tighten the drive side hub bolt every time, the bearings are fine as I just had them out this week to replace a snapped spring.

Just slacken the drive side bolt, you'll probably find it just goes away. (Unless it is the bearings that are shagged on your case, and I'm talking shite).

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