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Front Brake Or Not?


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Currently riding a stock Commencal Max (street based) and eventually going to upgrade to a p66.

My question is this....

Been riding for a while without a front brake (did have a pair of avid 5 vee's but they snapped) so i just took it off and never looked back since. Basically, been doing a lot of trialsy stuff (compared to my usual hard hitting heavy landing big jumping stuff) and i'm just wondering if i'd benefit by getting myself a new front brake? A few of the sidehops that ive been nailing are really clean but when i try the really big stuff i just lose control of the bike and im not sure if its my lack of control or my lack of front braking power.

Thoughts thanks

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Well my only concern regarding streety trials is that i have a very small bike and streetrials can be an absolute tw@ because of how cramped it actually is. Don't get me wrong, i absolutly love my bike and i'm not interested in getting a new frame (other than the p66 @ xmas which offers a minimal difference in terms of dimensions) and it is designed for a lot of whippy, high, hard jumpy things. But i do understand that it wont hurt to get a new front brake which i have ordered.

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