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Master Cylinder

gu trials

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yer i've replaced the spring and piston now but the piston is at the bottom of the cylinder and wont bleed cause its not retracting and just staying at the bottom of the cylinder =\ if it helps am water bleeding it i pumped the lever while the brake was in under the water and all that as i pumped the lever it just went to the bottom of the cylinder and would retract soo i've left it cause i don't know what too doo, please does someone know how to solves this problem? cheers :)

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yer i've replaced the spring and piston now but the piston is at the bottom of the cylinder and wont bleed cause its not retracting and just staying at the bottom of the cylinder =\ if it helps am water bleeding it i pumped the lever while the brake was in under the water and all that as i pumped the lever it just went to the bottom of the cylinder and would retract soo i've left it cause i don't know what too doo, please does someone know how to solves this problem? cheers :)

Iv had this problem, all you have to do is take the piston out, take the o-ring off and sand down the piston slightly.

Becasue with using water the piston expands slightly so you need to sand it down.

After oil it well, put back in and it should be fine.

You might have to have a fue goes at sanding it to get it right.

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Iv had this problem, all you have to do is take the piston out, take the o-ring off and sand down the piston slightly.

Becasue with using water the piston expands slightly so you need to sand it down.

After oil it well, put back in and it should be fine.

You might have to have a fue goes at sanding it to get it right.

arrr what me mate was telling me too doo was not sure if i was too do it with the o-ring seal on it though, you think a smere of grease over it will work and just wipe most of it away? or just some oil on it be better maybe?

thanks for that anyway man, might be able to go out tomorrow instead of eating now haha

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arrr what me mate was telling me too doo was not sure if i was too do it with the o-ring seal on it though, you think a smere of grease over it will work and just wipe most of it away? or just some oil on it be better maybe?

thanks for that anyway man, might be able to go out tomorrow instead of eating now haha

Yes you do have to take the O-ring off, and grease should be fine I should think (Y)

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