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A Few Problems I Need Help With

rab shropshire

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1st problem:

I have been trying to fit a tensile ffw on to a set of monty 221 cranks, the problem is that the freewheel gets around a quarter of the way on to the crank by hand then just stops. I have looked at the threads on the freewheel and cranks and they both look fine should i just force the freewheel?

2nd problem:

I have just got a tensile sprung tensioner and when i fit it to the bike the bolts on the inside arm of the tensioner keeps catching on my spokes. I have adjusted it as far as it goes out but it still catches. I am running a try-all h hub and 14t cog.

Any help in these matters would be appreciated

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With the front freewheel not fitting correctly. It might be a case of the freewheel being at the bottom of it's tolerance when it was made and the cranks being at the top of it's tolerance. Meaning they don't fit. You're best trying the freewheel on some other cranks first. Make sure the threads are clean and none of them are damaged.

With the tensioner problem. Have you got your sprocket on the right way, the teeth might not be centred to the threads. If not the you could put a small spacer between the cog and the hub as it looks like the H hub's threads go very close to the hub flange. Is your tensioner set up properly, with the jockeys properly in line with the sprocket?

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