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Inner Tubes

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I recently bought a new inner tube (20''x 1.75/2.125) which is a combi size.

Then I was searching on Tartybikes and came accros this http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10205&category_id=32

This tube Size: 20" x 4.25" which is the largest inner tube there is.

I was wondering is this tube any good or do you prefer a normal inner tube as stated above?

And if so does this change your riding style?

Sorrie for my poor English.


Stef The Netherlands

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The Kenda 19" Inner tubes are very strong and thick when compared to Try-All inner tubes, but they also weigh a quite a bit more than all the other tubes.

Weight Weenie s beware. giggle.gif

The weight doesn't bother me that much.

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I would say if you are currently getting punchers at the minit then its worth changing to a bigger innertube as you will get less. But if your not getting punchers with your current tube then dont change it, or you would just be adding weight to your ride.

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I would say if you are currently getting punchers at the minit then its worth changing to a bigger innertube as you will get less. But if your not getting punchers with your current tube then dont change it, or you would just be adding weight to your ride.

Okee thanks for the tip.

But does it effect performance?

Can you get more bounce with this tube?

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I can't help but think a huge tube like that would actually make pinch punctures more likely 4.25 is massive for a tube and I can't imagine it will be able to inflate to a round shape inside a regular 19" mod tyre. So it's gonna be folded and stuff before you even start bashing it into walls

But then again, maybe it's the answer to all mod rider's prayers and works an absolute dream. Never heard about anybody using em so can't really give any advice

I have no idea what tube I run in my back tyre, So it's definitely nothing special and it's lasted me years :D

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I can't help but think a huge tube like that would actually make pinch punctures more likely 4.25 is massive for a tube and I can't imagine it will be able to inflate to a round shape inside a regular 19" mod tyre. So it's gonna be folded and stuff before you even start bashing it into walls

But then again, maybe it's the answer to all mod rider's prayers and works an absolute dream. Never heard about anybody using em so can't really give any advice

I have no idea what tube I run in my back tyre, So it's definitely nothing special and it's lasted me years :D

I was thinking the exact same thing. But then again why would they sell one if thats the case.

My old tube was 2years old and 2hand with just 2 punctures. I could not find the last puncture so I bought a new one.

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