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Couple Of Basic Trials Questions For A Beginner. ;]


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Hey guys, Callum here just took up trials and I've got a few questions which I just can't seem to find the answers to. Sorry if these questions are really simple and make me look like an idiot but y'no everyone's gotta start somewhere.

1: Are double V-brakes alright or will I have to upgrade?

2: How do you lift up the back wheel without front brake?

3: How to you get your front wheel high enough to pedal kick?

4: Why does everyone hate Diamondback? for some reason everytime I read about the Tekiya (my bike) it's got bad reviews everywhere and I personally love it, probably because I have only ever riden one trials bike.

Thanks guys.

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1. depends on how strong they are and what make etc also proper maintenance will help.

2. for a begginers start by pointing the pedals down with your feet and them push back and up at the same time. also lean forward.

3. start bouncing trying to find your balance on the back wheel, by endoing into it etc, then learn to pedal kick by lowering your front end down while leaning back then kick and jump.

4. not sure :giggle:

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Hey guys, Callum here just took up trials and I've got a few questions which I just can't seem to find the answers to. Sorry if these questions are really simple and make me look like an idiot but y'no everyone's gotta start somewhere.

1: Are double V-brakes alright or will I have to upgrade?

nope. if you like them keep them ! jack chinnerly has front vee's . ali c has or used to have vee's. two really goo riders there :)

2: How do you lift up the back wheel without front brake?

roll up towards a wall use it as a front brake and go from there... remember you dont need the front brake to lift the back wheel up , it just makes it so much easier to learn

3: How to you get your front wheel high enough to pedal kick?

hmmm pedal kick is a whole another thread , check out the search bar for very detailed help or this page

4: Why does everyone hate Diamondback? for some reason everytime I read about the Tekiya (my bike) it's got bad reviews everywhere and I personally love it, probably because I have only ever riden one trials bike.

well , dont take my word for it , but ive never seen a review on a diamond back tekiya so i have no idea if its good or bad. if you like it keep it. but its good to try other bikes aswell to see if you like them more (Y)

Thanks guys.

hope this helps >_<


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Yeah, when I was looking for a bike I came across the Tekiya, and had a look at some reviews for it. I didn't see a single positive one either, and everyone who'd had it had snapped the frame after about 3 months. Just hope it holds out for you :D

I actually don't know anyone who likes Diamondback, I think they're a kind of "jack of all trades, master of none" kinda thing, as they make bikes for a lot of different things, but apparently, they're all shit.

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Hi im a beginner to, i have an onza rip (most basic you can get) and i found that double v brakes are good to get you started as long as you keep them tight, may be a good idea to buy pads more regulary though. I learned basics with v brakes, hops, pedal kicks, pivoting all the basics. I had a bit of cash so bought some maguras which i love but v brakes are great for learning untill your a bit better and are willing to spend a bit more.

Lifting the back wheel without brakes is all about throwing your weight. I find the best way to explain this is like a bunny hop(hopefully you can if not then this will help you) when bunny hopping after you lift your front wheel you sort of compress the back end before quickly releasing the energy and throwing your weight forwards. If its only the back wheel you want up thn pushing down on the bars and throwing your weight over them will be helpful, not to much or it could be nasty!

Edited by Gaz96
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Hi, i was thinking about getting your Diamondback, but then i fell in love with the Onza T-Rex, some people hate the T-Rex but i personally love it, its all personal taste and while we are starting we don't need expensive strong bikes, just ones to practise on until we are ready to progress. Enjoy your bike mate and also cheers for making it as i was also wondering how to pedalkick!

Some people rate the Ashton bikes highly, they're Diamondback.

^ Very True!, so they cant be all that bad!

Edited by AkuskaUK
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