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Is This Bike Good?


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All depends what the spec is, they're pretty heavy frames, based around the ZOO python frames, I had one one once, pretty good just a bit long for me.

Send us a link of where you're thinking of getting one from and I'll be-able to help a little more.

heres the website for the bike please tell me everything you know about it thanks


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ehh i mite be getting an Zona Zip Silver.

is it a good bike.

is it heavy or light ?

is it a good bit anyway ?

please help me

Hey my mate just got one and he said it is kinda heavy and on the first day his free wheel broke but thats prob just because the one he got was second hand of ebay! where are you thinking of getting yours?? (Y)

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Hey my mate just got one and he said it is kinda heavy and on the first day his free wheel broke but thats prob just because the one he got was second hand of ebay! where are you thinking of getting yours?? (Y)



I Had a Zona Zip. It was a good bike. The frame was quite long, wheelbase is1040 mm. Nice to ride.

is it heavy?

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all people ride differently mate alot of people think they are long i have never rode one myself but you may not think it is heavy or long you need to have a go on one before you think about buying something that exspensive

good look :)

Edited by onza blade 09
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Ok, it is the morning so if half of the stuff I say doesn't come through then just ask.

The frame weighs about 2.1kg, one one of the heaviest frames around, the lightest being around 1.3kg these days.

The front wheel is pretty light and has sealed hub bearings, the rear is average weight and isn't sealed so its more chance of messing up. Both tyres are good, not the lightest or the heaviest, just decent tyres.

Brakes will be rubbish until you get some decent pads, they're pretty expensive but you won't regret it - Heatsinkbikes

As far as the drivetrains concerned, its all good, the other guy said something about the freewheel poo, but they're one of the most reliable freewheels on the market so no need to worry.

The forks are pretty old but they aren't steel unlike most budget bikes so they should be ok.

The headset is sealed (I think) so you shouldn't have problems with that for ages.

Handlebars will need changing, they're the worst bars you can get (weighs a ton and uncomfortable), Getting some risers from Tartybikes is probably your best bet. If you do that then you'll need a new stem too because the stem won't fit, (needs to be 31.8mm). T'is all good because they're the second worst part of the bike anyway.

Apart from the parts I specified it should be all good, hope this helped you.


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