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Mega Back Pain


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REST and see a doctor! - that sounds serious, and at 16 you really dont want to mess up your back

anything spinal related and 'manning up' and ride anyway is the last thing you should do, it could be a multitude of things. if youre experiencing any sensations/tingling/numbness aswell, be sure to pass that info on.

Edited by chris4stars
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How long have you been riding? If not very long, it's probably a combination of you using muscles you're not used to using, and riding a bike with a very different riding possition to a normal bike.

Have you changed bar/stem/frame recently? As above, a change in geometry could be forcing you to ride in an unusual possition.

Saying that, even if you havent changed anything and you've been riding a while, even just trying harder/bigger can overstress your muscles and you can start straining/pulling things. It's most likely going to be something of this nature, however, as with any back/spinal problems if you're worried then it won't hurt going to see your doctor about it. Your back is not something you want to risk. Speaking from experience with a now permanent neck problem, I don't wish it on anyone.

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If your back hurts, 9/10 it's because you have a weak core. We all know the difference between muscle soreness and pain. If it's pain, your core sucks. Nothing more to it.

he is correct. However the thing that most people don't know is how to get a strogner lower back. I know exactly the spot your talking about, what U need to do is sit ups and leg crunches. Do ab workouts. They naturally make your back 1000 times stronger. Now the other thing that can cause this is frame geo. If you are too hunched over or ride too short a frame it can make this problem, however with a strong back you can ride any geo frame and have no pain. Trust me I had 2 friends with this exact problem, and I had this problem too and fixed it with ab work outs. So go for the six pack, its really worth it. Keep working out till you can do 1000 sit ups. Ab work outs build back muscles without risking any injury too them so you dont have to be afraid to push really hard. Biking and especially trials riding puts mega strain on your back, so even with better geo it will only help 5-10% by boosting your core you will never have back pain again. If this doesnt work see a doctor, but this should work. Just make sure you are progressing, make sure you are doing more leg crunches and sit ups each time. Btw the spot that hurts is almost exactly 1 fist length up from your but crack right?

Edited by sayshell
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Where as the above replies may well be, and hopefully are correct re core strength...id still recommend you see a doctor anyway (thats the advice from a good few doctors i have chatted with about any sort of back pain/pain full stop related to trials riding)

Core work does help a huge amount, but the pain can often be misleading and feel like something its not. One guy i know inparticular completely disregarded his lower back pain for months and only went to see a doctor when he experienced other sensations elsewhere. The result is an operation and little to no sensation below the waist. Yes its an extreme scenario, but considering the nature of what we do - sudden shocks/jerks/twists to all parts of the body, at times in a hunched position (let alone the crashes) it does raise our chances.

As for specific ab/back workouts. its each to thier own...repeated sit-ups very quickly start to become very in efficient. The basic situp only works the muscle to around 30-40% of its potential and reps of 50+ cease to become productive for building core strength. (they will help a small amount but the time vs benefits its really not worth it).

With the core muscles inparticular, anything from 12 - 50 reps depending on the exercise is ideal. Many variations allow you to increase the resistance without loosing form (inclined/weights/plyometric work), its just a case of finding what works best for you. Try static exercises like 'the plank' too.

As well as working your abs, you must work your lower back...not doing so will create more (sometimes painful) problems in future. Ab workouts will NOT work your back if performed correctly. If you feel your back is being worked during an exercise this is due to poor posture during the exercise and could lead to further back problems down the line. As well as that, you are not working the ab properly and effectively which is the whole point of all of this!

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ive had a bad back since i was realy young i used to get back strains when i was 13 years old! slip discs run in my family my dad broke one his brother slipped one his dads slip one so on... i found the only way is to do weight training dead lifts sqauts and genrally train everything also makes you look miles better also keep to good form!

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