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Where Too Get New Bike....


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Hi guys,

i am planning on getting a new bike and was lookin at either the zoo or the echo.....i was more foccusing my attention on the zoo at the moment but realised on tarty bikes it is discontinued at the moment! :angry: so my question is does anybody know any shops where i can get a brand new zoo lynx spec one apart from tarty bikes?

thanks again,

Douglas. :rolleyes:

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Well i have been told by my brother that there warehouse had a drug bust and like lots of weed and canabis were found, but i dont know and they sometimes get the order wrong , my brother ordered a neon bow 09 frame in black and white and it came in red and white so best avoid them in my eyes. select bikes aswell is also a good website but they are low in updating it so some things that are advertised arntt acctualy there anymore . Your welcome for the advice :turned:

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Well i have been told by my brother that there warehouse had a drug bust and like lots of weed and canabis were found, but i dont know and they sometimes get the order wrong , my brother ordered a neon bow 09 frame in black and white and it came in red and white so best avoid them in my eyes. select bikes aswell is also a good website but they are low in updating it so some things that are advertised arntt acctualy there anymore . Your welcome for the advice :turned:

yeh they are a bit dodgy, haha i clicked on 20" trials bikes and they had nothing! :P so they are a no go!

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Ok thanks.....what makes trials uk dodgy? thanks again.....

They don't deliver their stuff on time/ever.

And your one of the lucky ones if you actualy receive your stuff. Don't think you can get the exact same spec'd Zoo lynx as tarty has, as far as im aware they built it with parts they wanted on it so you probably cant get it anywhere else exactly the same.

Ride tommorow? :P

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Everyone is assuming that it was actually Dan himself growing the drugs, how ever if you read the topic then he states that he put up one of his warehouse for rent and wae bought by people.supposidly 'florists'. ( not defending him ) However,he's messed numerous people around and generally doesn't give a toss!

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