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Magura Hs33


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What fluid is the best for my Magura hs33, now I have the royal blood that comes whith it but I can't use it for ever jaja

I've heard that english people puts a lot of thing in it, from water to vodka jaja

thanks for your answers (If you give some)

bye :)

if u use a mix of anti-freeze and water your brakes won't freeze in the cold.

(what does jaja stand for ? just use normal english)


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When/if there is hot weather then a lot of us would bleed maguras with water to give it a nice responsive and snappy lever feel. The only reason people bleed their brakes with water is because of the wintrr weather and below 0 tempetures. Putting vodka, anti freeze ect means it won't freeze up in tge middle of a ride or overnight. There is also a new product called Phat Phluid which is basically a water/anti freeze mix with an added lubricant that protects your seals. Hope this helps.

if u use a mix of anti-freeze and water your brakes won't freeze in the cold.

(what does jaja stand for ? just use normal english)


If you look it doesn't say he is from england. Give him a chance. I think jaja is the same as haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just make a mix of:




toro box

and some testicles hair and it will last forever, and the feel is gonna be awesome,,

trust me

(the testicle hair is the secret)

you voy a ir para aquellos lares apenas pueda

Oh really, wow I'll have to try this.......

Water and antifreeze.

Or you could try phat phluid lots of people seem to be raving about it.

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